One of my main problems is my list of sock and lace club members. I don't have a hardcopy and to re-do the current membership list will mean going through months of Paypal orders to find all the details. If you're a current member and happen to be superorganised can you please contact me and tell me your name, address, e-mail and when your membership is due to expire please. It would be a huge help.
The main problem is that the sock club is due end of next week althoughrealistically it'll be sent out first week in March and my Mum is coming tomorrow evening so less time for work over the next 9 days while she is here.
The other things i've lost inlcude a list of all my upcoming design deadines and details of the actual designs. I've managed to retrieve some of that info by going through old e-mails to editors. Very time consuming but I think I've got that sorted now. Also any pattern alterations to old patterns or new patterns are gone. I've been downloading some pdfs from RAvelry so I've got pdfs of a lot of patterns but if I need to do any more alterations to them I need them in some other format that pdf. I've also lost all my KnitVisualiser charts which are time consuming to do. All my pattern photos since last September. Holiday photos from Spain last September are gone. and tons of other stuff.
Because of all these problems i'm very behind wiht replying to e-mails so if you've e-mailed me in the last week and not had a reply please bear with me. I'm trying hard to catch up.
Pixie was doing brilliantly wiht her Manos sweater until she realised at the beginning of the 2nd sleeve that she didn't have enough yarn to finish. There is no more yarn available right now. So I'm blocking the pieces and double checking my measurements and calculations to make sure i've not made it too big. Then it's decision time. Got to work out some sort of solution. I've got a couple of possible ideas but need to checkmeasurements first.
My Mum will be arriving tomorrow evening. We're all looking forward to seeing her.
Hi I am also in the new knitting magazine.
I am not as clever as you so its not a pattern. I have the star letter and won a lovely prize!
It made my day.
Gosh you've really been through the mill...sorry to hear about that. Love the sweater....will try and track down the magazine...not every shop keeps them all.
Hope you get it all sorted out soon. Have fun with Mum...
Oh Anni, how devastating to lose patterns, lists, photos. It's something we all dread but hope never happens. Hope you manage to get deal with everything easily. If there's anything I can do I would help.
Your lace jumper is brilliant, congrats!
bless you
O no Anni, how awful! I think we all become a bit 'lazy' about backing up sometimes - I know I'm nowhere near as disciplined as I should be...
Hope you enjoy your mum's visit - is she coming over from Norway?
That's the problem with computers. I went through that before & now I save everything on a usb. Congratulations on another design being published.
I'm so sorry about your computer and losing all your files. With the amount of work you do I can imagine the time lost trying to find it all again. You always seem really busy when I come to read.
Hope you sort it soon.
Good luck with the magazines, I love opening one and seeing a pattern or article about you, you are doing so well.
Oh that is terrible!! I had my computer crash several years ago and CERTAINLY learned my lesson. I went out and bought an external hard drive that has 1TB of memory and my pictures and patterns are all saved there. I also have two thumb drives--a 4GB and an 8GB--that I back up all my patterns, notes, letters, etc on. So, between the four locations I am bound to have a copy of everything somewhere!
BTW: Have you had a chance to see the socks I made from your knitted square? I turned out GREAT!!
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