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Sunday, December 17, 2006

Countdown started

Okay, I've started the countdown to our holiday and I'm ready to panick. We go on Thursday to Norway for two weeks to visit my family. My laundry baskets are overflowing. As is the ironing basket but my cleaner is coming tomorrow to help me with the ironing. I've done no packing yet. Got to finish tidying up the spare room so I can lay out all the clothes etc on the bed before packing it. Got presents to wrap before they're packed. Still got 2 presents to buy. Oopps. Hoping to get them locally tomorrow, if not I'll have to go to Plymouth on Tuesday.

I've been trying to catch up with the laundry today but fell asleep for over 2 hours this afternoon which didn't help my progress. My other main jobs for today was some manic knitting on scarves for inlaws. Both are about half done now. Not picking up any socks before they're done. Also been typing up my latest sock patterns and e-mailing them to some lovely people from Crafty Threads and Sock Knitters Forum who've volunteered to test knit them for me. A huge thank you especially to Barbara who've volunteered to test knit a pattern urgently for me. The reason why will be revealed in a few days. Barbara is brilliant, got started on the socks straight away and immediately spotted a typo. I really must be more careful when typing up patterns but it's just so confusing with all the abbreviations etc. Drives me mad. Still got more patterns to type up but decided it's enough for today. Not had time to browse forums, blogs etc and would like to catch up with some.

Went to a lovely wedding yesterday. My friend, Louise, married her partner, Garry. It was held in a beautiful, small, Cornish church. The vicar was lovely and regocnised my girls straight away from the rehersal on Friday and greeted them with a hug. I did a reading from 1 Corinthians chpt 13 during the service and was very privileged to be asked to do this and to be allowed to choose my own reading. It was a beautiful service and the receptions, held in the village hall, was lovely. Great food!!!! We had a great time and so did the girls. It was their first wedding and they both enjoyed it. Louise looked lovely in her weddig dress. And she had made all the brides maid dresses (2 adults and 3 children) plus waist coats for 2 page boys, best man and 1 usher. Very impressive they were too. Best brides maids' dresses I've seen. She's so talented to have made them all her self. Wish I could sew like that.

Off to check out some forums and blogs, then back to scarf knitting.

1 comment:

belaybunny said...

Good luck with getting everything done. Hope you have a lovely time in Norway.