I've done quite a lot of knitting. I've got a pair of socks on the go for the Yarn 4 Socks August Sock Club. The first sock is nearly finished. No pics yet. I'm hoping to finish this sock tonight. I'm about to cast on for another pair of socks for Let's Knit magazine. My Supreme Lace Shawl is coming along nicely, a few more repeats have been added since this picture
I've cast on for another triangular shawl in Glorious Sock June colourway. I love the vibrant blue colourway. I'll try and get a progress pic of this tomorrow. I'm also working on a secret triangular shawlette in Silken Straw to go with my secret scarf in Silken Straw. This combo will be submitted somewhere but I can't decide where. And I've got a very simple short row garter stitch scarf on the go and that's secret at the moment.
I've finished another lace swatch which is blocking on the floor and looking really nice. It'll probably be submitted to an English mag, unless I change my mind by tomorrow. I've got another swatch for a garment ready to be e-mailed off to an editor tomorrow too. And today I swatched for a new lace design. I've got a possible pattern for the centre panel for a lace stole, it's very interesting but I'm keeping it a secret for now.
So lots of knitting going on but not a lot to show for it.
I've been updating the website this evening and there will be more to come tomorrow. Go and have a look. Weight Watchers tomorrow. So far I've lost 10 pounds .... since March... Not very good really but I did loose 2 pounds last week. I've not had a very good week. On Saturday Em and I treated ourselves to lunch at a coffee shop and mine consisted of choc fudge cake and smoothie then we had fish and chips with friends in the evening, so that's probably ruined my week. On Wednesday I have my induction at the gym. I've not been for a few years, think it might be as long as 5 years so I'm not really looking forward to it but I used to love going to the gym.
I haven't been to the gym (which I only really use for the pool) for ages, especially with this nice weather - I tend to go out running (early mornings) or cycling (evenings) in the summer. It'll come in handy during the dark days of winter though. I've just done Race for Life and signed up yesterday to do 10 km in October, I must be mad...
good luck with WeightWatchers, it worked really well for me as a diet, but I find the maintenance blooming hard (hence needing to lose about a stone to get back to goal again...)
I'm so envious of your knitting by the sea!
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