Okay, so perhaps I'm not a gym bunny yet. But I did do my induction in the gym this morning. The instructor recognised me from when I last used to go about 5 years ago. I was a little bit worried abit it as I'm so unfit and I was also worried about aggrevating my neck/back too much so I started slow. I did 10 mins on the bike, 10 mins on the cross trainer which was extremely hard work. I used to be able to do 30 mins on the cross trainer at a much harder programme than I did today followed by 30 mins on the stepper. I decided to miss out the stepper today and did another 10 mins on the bike so that was 30 mins in total of cardio, which isn't too bad. I then did two weight machines for my arms and back. Upper body machines can aggrevate the pain so I'm keen to start slow and build up gradually. And to finish 4 machines for the legs. All in all, it took me about an hour which is what I'm aiming for. I ran in to a couple of mums from school I've not spoken to for a while so had a nice chat while I was on the bike. All in all, it was a pleasant experience apart from the weighing and bodyfat measurements which I could have done without.
Weight watchers was bad this week too. I put on the 2 pounds I lost last week so feeling a bit down about that.
Let's talk about some nicer stuff instead. I've done lots of knitting. The first Yarn 4 Socks socks is off the needles and I'll get some photos done and a sneak preview tomorrow or Friday. It's for the August club and I'm providing the yarn too.
I cast on in this yarn

for a new pair of socks for a British mag. I love the yarn and the socks are progressing well. Need to double check the chart before I do any more as I think I made a mistake when typing it up and don't want to have to frog the socks at a later stage. I've got a short deadline for these socks.
I'm making slow progress on this shawl

knitted in the June Sock Variety Club yarn.

It's Glorious Sock yarn and the colour is more like this: I love this colour. I mis-counted rather badly so I have lots of this yarn leftover. So it's good I like it.
I've been doing quite a lot on my Supreme Lace shawl and have started thinking about the border. I've changed to stitch pattern too as I want a more solid stitch pattern before the edging. I've not got any up-to-date pics as it still looks pretty much like this, just bigger.

Yarn for a new secret project should arrive next week so that means I need to focus a bit more than I have lately. I need to prioritise the Supreme Lace Shawl, the new socks and the Yarn 4 Socks socks as these all have to be done fairly soon. I'm thinking about using the Supreme Lace shawl for July's Lace Variety Club although I've got a different yarn in mind. I've got a new lace yarn which I think would be great with this shawl.
Back to some knitting in the sun. It's still gorgeous here.
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