At the moment I'm really excited and stalking the Knitty website every day. Winter Knitty will be out any day now and I've got a design in it. To celebrate my first Knitty design, the first one to spot my design on Knitty and to post a comment on my blog will win a price. I moderate all the comments so it won't appear straight away but I can see when Iget a list of comments to moderate who's posted first so go for it. I'm not telling you what the design is or what it's called so a bit of detective work is needed.
Because the current dollar exchange rate makes yarns sold in $ very expensive for most of the rest of the world I've decided to reduce the prices of my yarns a little. so yarns that were $20 a skein are now $18 and club memberships were reduced a week or two ago. Check out the shop.
AS I havne't got any of my own knitting to show you I'll show you something that Pixie is working on for me instead

Yesterday was the knitting group at spin A Yarn which I love going to each month. Joyce has got the new Manos Silk Blend solid colours in stock now and the purple colour was too gorgeous to resist. I'm planning a cable moebius with it using a cable stitch pattern I cut out of a magazine ages ago and I had the cut out a few weeks ago and put it somwhere safe and now I can't fin it. So off to search for that now.
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