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Friday, September 09, 2011

A Great Blog

You may have noticed a different look to the blog lately. I've just added another feature: a list of the workshops and shows I'm attending this autumn. The two shows are Fibre Flurry in Birmingham in October and The Big Knit Show in Exeter in November. I'll be teaching and having a stall at both shows. See individual show's websites for details of how to book.

I'm not going to go through the whole list but I would like to highlight two workshops starting next week. On Tuesday I'm starting a 4 week course at The Cornwall Yarn Shop in Launceston, Cornwall. This course will be run over 4 Tuesday mornings. It'll be perfect if you've never knitted before or if you are returning to knitting. The first week we'll cover basics of how to cast on and off, knit and purl stitches and different combinations of knit and purl. You'll be able to work at your own pace. The second week we'll start knitting a mini sweater which will teach you how to follow a pattern and all the different elements involved in knitting a garment such as shaping, short row shoulders, three needle cast off. On the final week we'll finish the sweater and you'll learn how to block/press your sweater and sew it up before we add a neck band. So if you've knitted for a while but never tackled a garment you may enjoy this course too.

At the end of the course you should be confident enough to knit a simple sweater and to follow basic patterns. The last group who did this course back in January had a great time. Contact the shop to book.

On Thursday next week and the following week I'm teaching a class on 'Perfect Finishing For Knitters' for the Liskeard Knit & Knatter group. This workshop is open to anyone and as it's sponsored by the knitting group it's very cheap. You can see all the details here of what we'll cover over the 2 weeks. You need to e-mail or call me to book and I will then give you details of what you need to bring to the 2 classes. The classes will be held at Stuart House, Liskeard (next to the library) from 10am to 1pm on Thursdays 15 & 22 September.

I've been thinking a lot lately of what i can do to improve this blog. When I started blogging I was new to the online community. I'd just recently discovered online knitting forums and knitting blogs and I very quickly decided I want to blog. My main aim to start with was to share my knitting and my family life with the world. Since I've shared my personal knitting, my knitting and crochet design, my yarns and & my family life.

I wasn't a designer or indie dyer when I started blogging. And if you've been reading my blog since the beginning (please tell me if you have ,I'd love to know) you'll have seen my progression from a novice designer to an internationally published designer (I've got designs due to be published by Interweave and German magazine, Verena). I'm very proud of my success. I'd never imagined when I started this blog that I would end up being a published knit wear designer.

Since I'm now a knitting professional I'd like to give my blog a more professional look, which is why I changed the design. I've been looking at the blogs I enjoy reading lately and analysing what I like about them. I don't like blogs that are every only used to promote the blogger's products or business. Also, I don't like blogs that rarely show photos. What I do like is blogs that have a combination of the blogger's personal life, current knitting and work (designs or yarn) and that have lots of photos.

That's what I aim to achieve with this blog. I need to improve my photography and hopefully that may happen when my new camera arrives. I will order it tonight.

Now, it's over to you. What do you like about a blog? What do you think makes a great blog? I'm not looking for anyone to praise me and tell me how wonderful my blog is etc. Although if you do like it, I'd love to hear it. But I'd like your views on what you think makes an interesting blog?

I've just said i like blogs with lots of pictures so I can't leave this post without a picture. So I'll share these beautiful yarns with you. They're luxury yarns from my stash and I'll tell you more about them next time. No, it's not new additions to my stash but it's got something to do with a special project.


Auntie Noo said...

I think I've been reading your blog pretty much from the beginning? I guess we both started blogging about the same time-ish? I love to hear what you're up to in terms of work, cos I get so thrilled for you. And as you say photos are a must as far as possible. I don't like blogs that post tooooo often, because I get behind and then don't get round to catching up. Once or twice a week is the most I personally can handle, and don't mind if it's less. I don't think anyone should feel duty bound to post if there's just nothing worth blogging about, it needs to be free and easy, so if it's a month before anything "blog-worthy" happens, then so be it! i do like a mix of personal stuff cos I think we all have become friends over the years, even if it is in mostly a virtual sense. {{hugs}}

Anonymous said...

Thank you. I think we did start blogging around the same time. it's interesting what you say about not blogging too often. I was thinking I ought to aim for at least 5 times a week. But perhaps 2-4 would be more realistic. Feel guilty if I don't blog for too long. LOL. It's supposed to be fun and not a chore, which it is most of the time.

Just been thinking back to when I discovered the online knitting world and how it's changed my life. I would never do what I do now if I hadn't discovered the early knitting forums i joined. The encouragement I received there really spurred me on. I could get quite sentimental so I won't go on. LOL. Back to knitting. I have a sweater to finish and this time it's for ME for a change. That doesn't happen very often any more.

Auntie Noo said...

oooh a sweater for you!!!! :-)

Sea said...

I think I've only been following your blog for 12-18 months, but it always inspires me. The yarns look beautiful. If they were in my hands, and time was no object, I'd want to start working with them straight away.....but which first?
I have a "crafty" blog on blogger, it's called fidgetty fingers for obvious reasons.

Ann said...

Love the new look & it does look very professional. I like reading your blog as you share your designing ideas/processes & it's interesting to read. Of course, you always have great photos too.

Sarah Knits said...

I have been reading for about a year now! I love a couple of posts a week if you have time and also pictures! I like a mix of work and family and what you are up too but am not keen on the I have a project but can't share as it always makes me feel sad. I love to see what you are planning for the shop and new patterns you are working on especially when we get to 'help'. I also like that you use twitter and tweets show up in the side bar. Sx

Unknown said...

The title of the post is really so interesting. and I really like your blog
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