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Wednesday, December 20, 2006

I've been tagged.

I got tagged by Auntie Noo and have completely forgotten about it. I've got to tag 6 people. Don't know what happens if I tag someone who's already been tagged. The rules are below.

THE RULES:Each player of this game starts with the ‘6 weird things about you.’ People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave a comment that says ‘you are tagged’ in their comments and tell them to read your blog.”

Okay, here are six wheird things about me:

1. I do Norwegian Purl - which until recently I didn't realise was a recognised separate stitch but Igot an old Vogue Knittig and it was in there. It's a variation of continental purl but yarn is held at the back. It's great when you're doing rib as yarn always stay at the back.

2. I came to the UK 15 years ago to work as a riding instructor at a stables on Bodmin Moor.

3. I love eating Roast Reindeer which is what we have for our Christmas meal when we go to Norway for Christmas. We also had it for our wedding reception.

4. I love 80s music and I'm now old enough not to be embarassed to admit it. Basically any music I liked as a teenager Istill like.

5. I'm not a creative person. I know I can design knittig patterns, but are they any good? Actually i think they're not bad. But I'm really, really not a creative person.

6. I love porridge. Not normal porridge but Norwegian 'sour cream porridge' (rommegrot) and Norwegian rice porridge (risengryns grot) which is much better than English Rice Pudding.

Is that weird enough? I'm really a very normal person.

Okay, who shall I tag?

I've tagged Posh Dee, fellow Norwegian Silja, The Yarn Grove Ladies, Paula, Kathryn, and Lionheart.

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