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Monday, August 07, 2017

Knitter Focus - Valentina

Knitters often get worried about which yarn to use for lace patterns. There are so many hand-dyed yarns that are variegated and looks fabulous in the skein but it doesn't always look that great in a lace pattern. When I first knitted Valentina, I wanted to use a specific colour of Schoppel 6 Karat. It was the first colour I'd always sell out of at shows. I sent the yarn and pattern off to my sample knitter. And when it came back I was slightly disappointed as the lace does get a bit lost in the yarn.

Now, this is not my sample knitter's fault. She just knitted what I asked her to knit. And I do like this yarn and in real life it does look better than in the photo. Also, the camera I used to take these photos wasn't that great.

The lovely Kathy, who's my Ravelry group moderator, has knitted Valentina in a solid colour of Schoppel 6 Karat and it look so much better in a solid colour. I love it! first, I thought it was another shawl.

Kathy is a fantastic knitter and has knitted quite a few of my patterns now. I also love that she's happy to add to or change a design if she wants to. On Valentina she added picots which I think looks great. You can read about what she did on her Ravelry project page.

Thank you Kathy for letting me share your beautiful shawl here. If you've knitted something from one of my patterns and would like me to share it here, do get in touch (e-mail me on

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1 comment:

StitchyDragon Creates said...

That is a lovely version of your beautiful shawl! It is reassuring to hear that even knitting pros like yourself have issues with using those all too tempting variegated yarns. They are like cat nip to me but once I get them home I struggle to find a pattern where both they and the pattern will shine. Any tips? Happy knitting,