I have had a very productive weekend and finished lots of stuff. First up are my Footloose socks. I started the 2nd sock in Spain and finished it on Friday or Saturday. I'm pleased as I'm desperate for some more socks.

I've also knitted another mobile phone sock and swatch for a new design.
I've updated the shop today too with some of the new yarns I dyed on Friday. My friend rang while I was taking the photos this afternoon and by the time I got off the phone I only had time to do a few before the girls' piano teacher arrived. And I take the yarn photos right next to the keyboard so I had to give up. Will get the rest photographed tomorrow or Wednesday and listed then. Got some more Fantasy sock yarn to come, some Silky Merino Lace and some Organic Merino.
This is my new sock yarn, Fantasy sock yarn, which is a stunning blend of merino/cashmere/nylon. It is gorgeous. In fact I just can't describe how soft and luscious it is. It's got the bounce of the merino, the softness of the cashmere and the strength of the nylon. I can't wait to knit with this. I'm keeping one of this colour for myself and there is one on the website. It's my favorite of the ones I dyed. Not sure what to knit with it yet though. I need more socks but this would be gorgeous in some gloves or a shawl or a scarf or.... The options are endless. I haven't got too much of this yet but there will be more to come.

I've had some questions about the blue shrug I finished on holiday. It's my own pattern and it will be published at some point but not yet. It's another design for my secret project. The pattenr also needs some more work before it can be published.
I've finished so many projects this last week I'm feeling at a bit of a loss. I often get a bit of an 'empty nest' feeling when I finish a big design or one I've worked really hard and intensively on. And I sometimes feel a bit restless and not quite sure about what to start next. I've got plenty to be getting on with. I've got the yarn for two garments for magazines, the yarn for an accessory for a magazine, plans for a scarf to match the silver shawl, plans for some fair isle mitts, I've got two big lace projects I'd love to start. And ofcourse there is Simon's sweater I need to continue with. Being sensible I need to get one of the mag garments on the needles this week. I'm putting it off a little as it's a garment construction I've never done before. It's not difficult but it's a bit daunting to start working out all the details of the pattern. I'm leaving it till Wednesday as I need to spend some quiet time on the laptop to work out the numbers and some time charting it all out.
Tomorrow I'm off to Spin A Yarn for the monthly knitting group. I missed August's and September's groups so I'm looking forward till tomorrow. Pixie is coming down too and I've got some yarn for her. She's going to be knitting up the Snow Queen shawl in a different yarn than the original. I've also got yarn for her for a new big lace design.
We went to see the new Fame film yesterday. I didn't see the original Fame film in the cinema but saw it later on the telly, but I don't remember it that well. I was a big fan of Fame the TV series though and the new film didn't have any of the characters from the tv series in it. There was no Leroy, Coco, Doris and I don't remember the others now. The dance teacher now plays the head teacher but she was only in 2 or 3 scenes. All in all, it was a great film and the girls liked it too. Simon went to see a 'bloke film'. He has to sit through far too many chick flicks.
I've got lots more I could write about but this post is getting a bit long so I'll stop now. Save some for later. Go and check out the Fantasy Sock Yarn instead.
A customer e-mailed me earlier with a link to her blog, it's the post titled 'Adamas Shawl'. Reading through the post (which I can't understand) but I can work out the yarn is Almerino which is a alpaca/merino blend. Love the shawl.
I love the pale green yarn you used for the socks! They are beautiful. And the shall turned out wonderful--wish I had one! Someday I'll have to try making one I guess.
I want some of that Fantasy Sock yarn!!! I guess I deserve a treat right?
Gorgeous finished projects. I especially love the green socks!
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