Today was Emily's first day at 'big school' or secondary school. Doesn't she look cute in her new uniform. I must admit that although the uniform looks smart I'm not too keen on it. Black blazer and tie is a bit serious for kids i think. The girls aren't too keen on it either as they think it looks boyish. But they do look very smart.
Aren't they cute hugging each other.
They both had a good day back at school. Emily seems happy with her new class. Her best friend is in her new class and several other friends are too. And Vanessa is happy to be back with her friends.
I enjoyed my first day of term too. I went to my knitting group in Liskeard this morning. I brought my spinning wheel along for anyone to have a go. One of our members had a go but struggled with the co-ordination. She managed to do the treadling and drafting separately but when we tried to put it together it went a bit wrong. The Little Gem is not easy to start off and it's easy to start treadling in teh wrong direction. Another of our members who is a spinner had a go on my wheel too. I think she found it took some getting used to. It's very differnet from her Ashford wheel. This was the first outing for my Little Gem since we came home from FibreFest and carrying it from the car to where we meet was okay. We had 5 regulars turn up today and 3 new ladies. One lady stayed and two others are hopefully coming back next week. Had a lovely time chatting to everyone.
I worked on my secret project which I've had to re-start as I'm not happy with the fit so I've adjusted some of hte measurements and re-worked the pattern and I'm much happier now. It works up fairly quickly so I'm sure by Saturday I will have caught up.
Here's the swatches I've worked on lately. The top one is the Fusion teen top I did for Yarn Forward last autumn. As their copyright has expired I'm considering releasing the pattern for adult sizes and I'm also thinking of offering it as a kit using a pure cashmere yarn. Not quite decided yet. The other swatches are for secret projects and are all worked in Debbie Bliss Baby cashmerino which is gorgeous to knit with. I got some last week at Spin A Yarn and I've enjoyed swatching with it. Let's just hope I get some of them commissioned.
I finished spinning the merino/seacell I've been working on last night and I plyed it. I think it's got a little more twist than I would have liked. I've not given it it's bath yet so I'll see what I feel about it when it's done. I love the colour. I had planned to knit a shawlette/scarf for myself but I'm thinking with the high twist I may do socks. It should be about 4ply/fingering weight ish. I'll probably take it to Spain with me later in the month. 
I've been thinking a lot about what knitting to take on holiday with me. It will depend on if I've got any commissions that need to be completed. If not I'm planning to take a lot of projects for me.
I'm off to visit a friend tomorrow and I'm staying with her until Saturday. On Friday night we'll have a girls' knitting night. Should be fun. Before I go tomorrow i'm planning to start a mega tidying up job in my studio. It's got lots of stuff just chucked in there and it's a total mess and I've no idea where anything is. I've got to get it organised as a big box of undyed yarn arrived yesterday and I've nowhere to put it right now. I'm planning to do some more yarn dyeing next week. Sign ups are open now for the Sock Variety Club. I'm sending out parcels early for October as I'll be away for the last two weeks in September. So sign up now to avoid missing out. I've got a fab new base yarn planned for October. September is Lace Variety Club month too and the parcels will be going out by middle of September.
I may get some more yarn listed tomorrow, if not it'll be Monday. If you're a sockamaina member there is a competition going on over on the Sockamania blog. Its only open to current members though.
I sure wish my kids had uniforms. It saves so much time and trouble no matter which way you look at it. The kids may not be the most excited about it, but it sure does make clothing shopping easier--not to mention picking out what to wear the next day to school!
I doubt if any of my kids- boys or girls- would even be seen in a schooluniform-LOL! Sometimes I think it would be a good idea though, but I remember my class went to England in March or April of 1978- or was it -79?- and we saw those little boys in shorts and jackets, maybe a hat on top of their head, but their knees were all exposed to the cold. And it was COLD! Raining too....
Lol. That's the classic picture of English kids wearing school uniforms. My Mum have seen the same kind of things - kids standing at railway stations with shorts and skinny white legs in teh middle of the winter. Usually the only schools that insist on shorts may be some private schools and it's pretty unusual now. Most state schools are fairly relaxed with uniforms and you can wear trousers.
I agree Tama with the morning argument over what to wear although they still got to choose between skirt and trousers. Also you need enough uniform to last the week plus normal clothes to wear in evenings, holidays and weekend so you end up spending twice as much on clothes. I just don't like uniforms and nothing can convince me. LOL.
The kids look that's not the right word, but I can't think of another word.
The uniform is a bit uncomfortable with the tie and blazer. Mostly here uniforms are windcheaters or jumpers, with more casual trousers or skorts (shorts that look like skirts) for the girls . Means they can run around and not have to worry about undies showing! Oh and the girls wear tights to keep warm.
Glad you're getting time to spin on that new wheel.
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