This morning a new friend came over to help me sort out my knitting machine. I was a bit nervous as it's a bit old and I wasn't sure it was in proper working order. And although it needs some new bits, like a sponge bar (is that what it's called?) it did work okay. I did some practicing with some sock yarn. Learnt how to cast on and how to cast off and do a stocking stitch square. It's fun and amazing how quick it is. The cast off is a bit fiddly but I think I got the hang of it. Will be doing a bit more practicing this weekend.
We also talked about the new knitting group we're starting up in Liskeard next week. If any locals read this, it's on Thursday at Stuart House, Liskeard from 10am to 2pm. Everyone's welcome. If you can't knit but fancy learning or could do with a refresher we're happy to help. Or if you're an experienced knitter you're welcome too. We've had quite a bit of interest so it should be a good first session. Come along and see if you like it.
I promised pics of the No Wool Sock Club yarn for Feb and here it is:

There will be a small shop update with some sock yarns and lace yarns tonight or sometime over the weekend.
Hi Anni,
A lady came by my house a few weeks back and fell in love with your yarn and patterns, so I gave her your magnet you sent me so she could go sign up for Sockamania and get some of your yarn. Oh she is from Kansas, she and her friend stopped by one Sunday to show me how to make bra's for me and my girls. Wonderful ladies.
I told my Mum about the knitting group and I hope she comes along :o)
It is exhausting to have family visiting- all the things to see- to catch up on and it´s like your ON all the time-
making sure everybody has a great stay-
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