Just finished listing a few skeins of a new lace yarn, Lacy Merino.
Pixie has knitted up another sample for me again. This time the Rosebud Shawl from Yarn Forward magazine. It's blocking today and hopefully will be dry soon. Wonder if my model isup for some modelling shots tonight?
Here are some blocking photos.
I'm using my new Knitters Block with a towel over the top.
You can get similar stuff in toyshops, but I think this is a little bit better quality. It's got a soft fleecy side and a waterproof side. Probably doesn't need the towel on top but I wanted to protect it.
Very tired today. Had massage this morning so that has helped iwth hte neck/back pain but it makes me feel so tired. Last week the pain was quite bad and I was struggling to cope. So I have to start taking it easier. I also counted up the number of painkillers I tkae a day. I take 3 types and 22 tablets in total every day. That shocked me a bit so now i'm on a mission to cut down on one of the painkillers which means I can't do as much. Which basically means less yarn dyeing apart from the clubs which got to be done. Talking of clubs. Sockamania club dyeing tomorrow.
Wow that new lace looks great, good choice of colours too :))
Lookie at the shawl all blocking out and those boards do look neat.. how much did they work out at?
For now I have to make do with the cheap and cheerful look lol..
Hope your model is up for the job, neat to see it worn :)
Thank you for letting me knit this one as always a pleasure to do.
Gosh that is a lot of meds in a day and I hope you don't suffer too much losing one... I had a review of my meds.. I don't can't take many as they had odd effects on me.. so she wants me to try something new! first time tonight.
Take care
Pixie xxx
What a lovely shawl!!
Taking all of that pain med. is so hard on your body. My husband has been taking them so long now he is starting to have other problems from the medicine. He has tried to cut back, but just can't get his work done when he does.
Not to pry, but what happened to cause you such awful neck problems?
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