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Friday, February 15, 2008

New kitchen

Very tired tonight, and want to watch something on telly in five minutes but I've got to show you pics of my new kitchen. I'm so proud of it. I had planned to take some pics of my old kitchen for comparison but Simon started ripping it out before I had time to get any taken. But it was about 18 years old and it was cheap and nasty when it was first put in. WE bought this house 10 years ago and it was horrible then and falling apart. I hated it.

I love my new kitchen it's gorgeous. And I've bought some new appliances too, new microwave oven and kettle to co-ordinate with hte black tiles, worktop and floor. Also getting a new bin, breadbox and kitchen knife set.


Steph said...

Beautiful! It makes such a difference to the way you feel in the room. Lucky you!

Anonymous said...

How beautiful and efficient-looking! I know you'll enjoy it.

Debby said...

Wow, I love your new kitchen. What is the first thing or what was the first thing you cooked?

Sarah said...

Yey, I know the happiness I felt when we did our kitchen - so pleased for you

Michelle said...

Looks awesome! I love the cabinets. I'm sure now cooking will be more enjoyable than before!

Tama said...

Oh Anni!!! What a lovely kitchen! I am so jealous! You are lucky. Your kitchen will be a lot more fun to cook in--that's for sure!

Joanna said...

Thanks for popping over to my blog and leaving a comment! Like your kaliedescope pattern, hope it goes well for you in the shop! Nice new kitchen too!

Pam the Yarn Goddess said...

G'nite, Anni. It'll be better in the store tomorrow when the crush of people eases up. Thanks for coming. :)

Pixie said...

Fabulous kitchen Anni, you will be cooking up a storm there :)
Have you made your girls the pancakes yet?

Have a great day