I've been wanting to do some fair isle socks for a while now and had promised myself I wouldn't start till I'd finished my current sock wip. But last night I just couldn't resist anymore. I'd decided to use some yarn from the Yarn Yard for these socks. The yarns are dyed from the same base colour I think and go perfectly together. May not be enough contrast though but I love it. I'd originally decided to go for a traditional Norwegian design but for some reason I drew up my own fair isle pattern last night and got most of the cuff done while watching 'Miss Congenitality' last night. I've not done Fair Isle for at least 12 years so my technique is a bit rusty and it's a bit too tight. Turned the heel today and nearly finished the gusset decreases. This is the first cuff down sock I've done for a while and I made a right mess of picking up the stitches eachside of the heel flap. NOt sure how, normally it looks great but I did this twice and still wasn't 100% happy, just could't bother doing it again.
And finally, here's the pic:
The colour is a bit off as I took the picture in a slightly dark spare room. It's quite a bit darker and more purpley. It's the two purple skeins on the right of this picture.
Really do like your web page, glad to see you doing fair isle. i am just starting it myself. Trying to make Eunny's End paper Mitts free pattern on her blog.
Thanks for sharing. Come see me at my blog
Love the sock! I really really love those purples in the bottom pic (it's my fav colour).
Thank you VAnessa and Shelley. Purple is my all time favourite colour too.
Lovely sock, I like the pattern and the colour. Purple is fab!!
I'm in love with all that purple-y yarn. Bravo on your Fair Isle socks - I'm too chicken to tackle Fair Isle knitting.
I'm slightly comforted to know that someone else made a mess of picking up heel stitches. I used to do it fine. Didn't like it but it turned out lovely. Now when I pick up heel stitches it doesn't look good at all.
Thank you Dixie and christina. First sock done now and well underway with 2nd sock.
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