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Monday, December 25, 2006

Norway Day 4 - Christmas Day

Hope you're all having a lovely Christmas day and haven't over done the turkey or whatever else you had for your christmas dinner today. As you can read from the post below we celebrated Christmas yesterday and today we've had a very relaxing day.

Didn't get up to nearly 10am which was great. Had a long and leisurely breakfast with lots of different breads and rolls and a huge variety of spread. Mr YA and my dad had beer and akevitt too. A special treat in our family on Christmas day but I don't like either. We spent ages over breakfast as in our family on Christmas Day it's the main meal of the day.

Then we drove to where my sister and her partner are building a house to look at the plot. They've not started building yet though. Then went on to Drobak where my parents would like to move to and had a walk.

Back home for a late lunch, a nap and some knitting. I've not talked much about knitting since I got here but I've been working on a new men's sock design whihc I've not found a suitable name for yet. They're lovely socks though. I'm knitting them in Regia Stretch in a variegated blue/brown/grey colour which looks lovely. Really like this yarn. I'm hoping to finish the 2nd sock today and they will then be for Mr YA. Then I'm going to start a quick scarf in Collinette's Grafitti. After that I'm not sure whether or not to do another pair of socks or a scarf from my new lace book 'Victorian Lace Today'.

I've got 3 new knitting books waiting for me at home. Mr YA bought them for me for christmas but we ordered them a bit late and they didn't turn up before we left for Norway. They're two lace books and one stash book.

The stash book will help me use up some of my stash when we get back. I'm defnitel ygoing on a stash diet as well as a fat diet when we get home. I've got too much of both.

Off to get Em off to bed now. then an evenign of knitting to try to finish those socks as I'm getting bored with them now.

Hope you're all enjoying Christmas Day!!!


WildPurl said...

I think you must all have enjoyed such a lovely peaceful day after your nightmare journey. Travelling at this time of year is always a bit of a lottery, but at least you all got there safe and sound. I'm looking forward to seeing photos of your Norwegian mittens when you gte back.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Knitbert. I wish I could take photos and show them now but just too much hassle so there will be a photo heavy post when we get back. We've had problems travelling to Norway before at Christmas but this year was one of the worst ones.