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Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Sock Designs

First, what am I doing up so late??? I have no idea is the answer. I'm so tired. Had a really busy day. Dropped girls at school, took car to garage half an hour away. Turned out they had two separate garages in this town and I went to the wrong one first. Got directions for the correct location and walked straight into their Body Shop building instead of the Service building. So by the time I found the right reception I was fuming. Got my courtesy car and zoomed off to Truro. Only spent 2 hours there as Iwas tired and in a lot of pain with my neck. Got home eventually but only had 45 mins before collecting girls and then zooming back to garage to collect my car which should have been ready at 4pm. Got there a few mins early only to be told it won't be ready for at least half an hour. I was seeing red by now and made my feelings knows (those who know me won't believe that) LOL. No apologies or anything from the receptionist. Eventually left garage at 4.45pm. 45mins late. Drove the half an hour home. Sat down for 5 mins and then had to go to the station to collect husband. Cooked (well, microwaved) tea. Caught up on e-mails andforums. Got girls to bed and finally sat down to knit.

And this is where I get on to sock design.... Have lost the pattern for my Waving... socks and have gotten to a point where I need the pattern to continue so put those down. Had cast on earlier for Snowflake socks but pattern was too complicated to focus on tongiht when I was tired. So I got thinking about the Design a sock project on Angel Forum. Flicked through pattern books and foundsome ideas in Vogue I liked. Added up lots of numbers etc towork out what would work best in sock design. Eventually settled on heart lace. But it did't work. Then tried anotherlace pattern which looks nice. Only done 2 lace pattern repeats but like it so far. Have another idea I want to try out too.

Got some Regia 4ply stretch yarn which is lovely to knit with. And I like the idea of stretch as my Hedera socks are a bit floppy. So have now got 3 socks on the go. Thinking of designing a sock for the competition too. Must get around to entering that as I think the closing date is coming up soon.

How come I always get a good idea late in the evening. Didn't want to put it down. Had to come on pc to do my TEsco shopping being delivered tomorrow. And of course I've ended up on forums and blogs.

Must get to bed now or I'll be awful tomorrow.Just hope I can sleep - I'm in so much pain and this isn't helping so GOOD NITE.

Sneak preview pics of socks tomorrow.

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