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Saturday, February 12, 2011

Pattern Of The Week - Amore Shawlette

As it's Valentines Day this week I thought we'd have a Valentines Day inspired pattern this week. Therefore, the Amore shawlette is 50 % off until Friday evening. Use promo code: amore to claim the discount. Only valid in my Ravelry pattern shop. Click here to purchase pattern.

The Amore Shawlette is a simple, triangular shawlette with a centre insertion of lace hearts.

 Paired yarn overs are worked either side of the centre insertion and along edges to shape the shawl which is worked from the top down. The triangles either side of the lace hearts is a very simple lace pattern.

 The shawlette takes just one skein or 400m of sock yarn. I used Twinkletoes Sock for the original but Supreme Sock or Fairytale Sock or any of my other sock yarns would be equally perfect.

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