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Thursday, May 22, 2008


Yes, we're home. We got back late Monday evening after the trip home from hell. I won't go into details but the flight was awful, hot, cramped and truly horrible. One the drive home there was an incident of projectile vomitting from me which i won't describe in detail. All I'll say is projectile vommiting on the motorway in the car is not much fun, neither is changing clothes in a car park off the M25. Feel sorry for anyone who might have witnessed me stripping off in the car park. I really didn't care. Felt too horrible at the time.

Now to something nicer. Got lots of pics from Norway to show you but today I'll restrict it to yarn pics. More pics later in the week.

I visited the wonderful Maud's Garn in Oslo. And these are my purchases.

some wonderful chunky alpaca from Du Store Alpakka

and some gorgeous, unlabelled silk from India, which was spun for the shop apparently. they had some lovely colourways but I decided to go for the white which has a lovely sheen to it. Not sure if I'll dye it or knit it undyed yet. There was no label so no idea of yardage. it's about dk ish thickness.

Also got these two. Not sure what to do with them yet but thought I might try to make a couple of shawl pins.

When I came home a lovely parcel from Dragon Fiber on Etsy which contained some gorgeous yarn:

and some gorgeous fiber which I started spining straight away.

Here is is draped over the wheel

and on the bobbin

Would you like to see what this will look like dyed:

Then pop over to Etsy quickly and join Sockamania PLUS Merino Sock Club. This yarn ahs now been dyed into the June colourway for Sockamania PLUS which is now a sizzling, hot colour. If you want ot join for June you need to join before the weekend as parcels will start going out tomorrow.

I've also listed 5 more memberships for June for the Lace Variety Club. These are the only membershps that will be available for a June start so if you want to join be quick.

I can't show you any of what i knitted in Norway a they're all new designs for some exciting up coming projects. Over the summer there is oging ot be lots of designing which means less time for yarn dyeing I'm afraid. The clubs will continue but there will be less yarns for sale on Etsy. I've still got free postage for May going on though so don't forget to get your orders in before the end of the month. I've got a pile of yarns upstairs which was dyed before I went away which I'll try to get listed tomorrow.


Kate said...

Høres ut som en tøff tur hjem igjen, ja. Bra virkningene har gitt seg nå.
Om du trenger noe mere garn fra hjemlandet så er det bare å si ifra, det er forresten en liten pakke på tur til deg.
Og jeg gleder meg masse til junisokken, går litt tregt med maisokken. Jeg oppdaget plutselig at det snart er juli, og jeg har et lite babysett jeg må ha ferdig til da.

Judy said...

Glad you are home safe and sound! Hope you are feeling better now.
The yarn is beautiful and the silver thingies are just gorgeous. Let us see what you finally make out of them.


psalm127 said...

Oh I am sorry to hear of your trip home. Glad you are home though. It always feels good to get home. Love the yarn and looking forward to June's pattern as always.:)