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Sunday, January 14, 2007

Weekend over

Have had a brilliant weekend. Not much knitting today though . After church this morning we went to Plymouth this afternoon on a mission to spend our Christmas money and the mission was successful. Mr YA got a Hi-Fi system with cd, dab radio, mp3 and tape deck. We've got an ancient cd player which is about 15 years old so it was in need of replacing. I spent the rest of my money on a set of new crockery and cutlery. Very exciting I know but we were desperate for something new. And I did spend some of my money in Norway on yarn.

Not much knitting today though. I did meat a fellow knitter in the coffee shop in Waterstones in Plymouth today though. I did think about bringing my sock along but didn't. We were having a drink while the girls were looking around the book shop and the lady on the table next to us pulled out her knitting. So ofcourse I had to strike up a conversation. This is the first person I've seen knit in public for years. Was starting to think it was only me who did stuff like that.

I had a very successful knitting day yesterday. Finished a cashmere lace scarf from 'Lavish Lace' It's been a wip for a while now and I'm glad to have it finished. It was originally meant as a Christmas present for my Gran. Not sure now whether to give it to her for her birthday (in February or March) or save it for next Christmas. It's a bit short for me so will definitely be a pressie for someone else. I've got another lace scarf on the needles from the same book which is next on my wip hit list. I also want ot knit the last scarf in the book - Frost Flowers. It's a beautiful scarf and I've got some pale blue cashmere which I think will be perfect. Als owant to get on with the Alpaca scarf I started from Victorian Lace Today.

Still not sure about my own lace shawl design project. Thought I had decided ona pattern but not sure now. I may do some more research and swatching be fore I decide. Also thinking I want to knit it as triangle but not sure if my design will work as well as it would in a rectangle. May think about it a bit more before starting.

I promise I'll get some pics taken tomorrow. My first cashmere sock is done and I'm progressing well on the 2nd sock so will get a pic of the first one. It's so gorgeous. Will also do a pic of the cashmere scarf I finished last night. Still need blocking. May try to get it done tonight.

I'm so exhausted now, so I think a relaxing evening with some mindless knitting is in order.

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