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Saturday, January 06, 2007

Getting nowhere fast

I'm really, really getting nowhere fast at themoment. I've still not finished unpacking and have only managed one load of washing so far since we came back and that's still in the machine. I was going to get it out and into the tumble dryer earlier but didn't have a basket down stairs and was too lazy to go upstairs and get one.

I've been making good progress on my MagKnits socks. I'm doing a different heel construction than the original pair. Or at least I was making good progress until I realised I'd started the gusset increases too late on the 2nd sock. I'd written down instructions on a note pad last night when I was working the heel out and had several goes before I got it right. Thought I'd written it all down but obviously not. I'd done all the gusset increases when I'd noticed. And I'd delayed starting dinner so I could finish the gusset first. And I had to frog the lot. Fortunately I managed to frog it back to exactly where I should have started the increases and didn't loose any stitches.

Earlier this afternoon I'd typed out the instructions for the new heel and when I'd finished I realised I'd typed out the instructions for the heel on my Dad's socks which I'd knitted in Norway so now I've had to go back and change those too. Not happy.

Luckily, 'Sweet Home Alabama' is on tonight. So I'm going to sit down and relax and reknit the gusset. I was hoping to finish the sock tonight but I'm not sure if I can manage that now. Girls will both be in bed before my film starts with any luck.

Have had a quiet afternoon with some forum posting and lots of knitting. Girls were both at Panto in Truro with Brownies and Guides andwere out for 6 hours. So nice quiet afternoon.

Happy knitting everyone!

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