Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Wednesday WIP - Almost monogamous knitter

I've been sticking to two projects for the last week. I released part 3 of the Gondola KAL last week and I quickly knitted through that part myself. Things have been crazy since so I've not had time to even think about the final part yet. I am putting it off until next week to allow knitters time to catch up. Below is my shawl at the moment.

The other project I've been plugging away on is my Zauberball shawl. I think I'm nearly 2/3 through this shawl and although I'm enjoying it, I'm kind of dreaming of something new. I found a shawl I designed about four years ago and never got around to release. Pattern is half written so I want to re-knit it, to work out the full pattern and to make a few changes. I've got my yarn picked out but I'm trying to finish the Zauberball or at least the Gondola shawl first. I'm thinking it might be perfect for our trip to Budapest in September. I love how the Zauberball is looking. I'm using two different colourways.

A friend came to visit yesterday and she brought me some beautiful flowers. I love having fresh flowers in the house. My Zauberball project is getting big so I've moved it into my Fringe Field Bag which I keep next to my knitting chair. It sits on the floor and the balls stay in there when I knit. They do some other beautiful colours and I'm lusting after a grey and the new blue Field Bag.

I'm busy working on three new patterns at the moment. They're all in the tech editing phase. I'm not sure which one to publish first. Two are part of Lace Wear Volume TWO which I wasn't going to release until September but I'm tempted to get it out before the end of August. Watch this space.

To make sure you're the first to know when these patterns are released and to get an exclusive discount on Lace Wear Volume Two (which will be released in the same way as Volume One - one pattern at a time with the price increasing for each pattern), do sign up to my newsletter if you haven't already.

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