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Thursday, November 26, 2015

Socks, socks, socks!

I've gotten hooked on socks again. I'm close to finishing my Regia 'Arne and Carlos' socks. These were knitted toe up with afterthought heel. I'be been knitting the heels today.

I've decided to knit Simon a pair of socks for Christmas. I haven't  knitted him socks for ages. Yesterday I dug out a ball of Regia and cast on for a pair of socks. I'm knitting them two at a time from the top down, which I haven't done for ages. I think I may do German short row heels on these.

Yesterday two beautiful skeins of sock yarn arrived from Mudpunch. I love both of them!

I don't think I've ever cast on for a pair of socks so quickly after receiving  a  yarn but I love this colourway! I'm knitting toe up socks for myself and cast on this morning. I'm putting these on hold until this weekend. I'm  hoping we will go to the cinema and this is perfect cinema knitting!

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