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Thursday, May 20, 2010

Sample Knitters needed

I've decided I'd like some new samples knitted up in time for Woolfest next month and I need help. I'm looking for someone who would like to knit up a shawl or sock sample for me please. Unfortunately I can't afford to pay in cash for this but I can pay in yarn. I'll pay 2 skeins of your choice from my website per shawl and one skein of you choice from my website per pair of socks. due to time constraints and postage you'll need to live in the UK or one of the close European countries. I'll need you to knit up the sample and return it to me (so it arrives wiht me) by 15 June for socks and 10 June at the latest for shawls, so I'll have time to block those. Unfortunately I can't let you keep the samples as I'll need those for display at Woolfest.

I'd like 'Two of a Kind' knitted up in my brand new Pure Silk Lace (which arrived yesterday).

 One shawl (a brand new one due to be published in Let's Knit soon) knitted up in my new Silky BFL Lace  (which arrived yesterday too),  a shawl version of the stole I'm working on right now (no pics of that yet, and possibly for someone to testknit the stole version too. and i'd like a shawl knitted up in my new Amazing Cashmere Lace and a scarf knitted up in the new Angora Lace but I haven't decided what yet. Perhaps 'sophia' knitted up in Amazing Cashmere Lace:

I'm also thinking I'd like something knitted up in my new Ocean Silk (seacell/silk) 4ply and Silky Camel 4ply (camel and silk) and was thinking perhaps Ocean Waves,

or Carmen which has been out of circulation for a while and could do with a revival:

 so I have a very easy shawl to display in a 4ply yarn for those new to lace.

I'd also like Regatta knitted up in antoher yarn as the Lusciosu Lace the original was knitted in is now unavailable:

If you think you can do it and you're a fast knitter as i realise the time is short, please contace me. If you'd like to knit something specific tell me and I'll allocate knits on a first come, first serve. And espcially let me know fi you're happy to add beads using a crochet hook as I'm looking for a permanent sample knitter who can knit lace with beads. Either contact me through this link or by leaving a message on the blog. I'll need your e-mail address, skill level (if I've not seen your knits before a link to Ravelry pics of similar things you've knitted would be useful, and address. If you post thse details in a blog comment, then I won't publish that comment so your details will stay private with me.

And perhaps a new version of Fame and Fern hand warmers. I don't even have a pic of Fame as those were lost when my computer crashed a few months ago. I never got any really good photos of those. They're quick though so I oculd do those myself.

The socks i'd particularly like knitted up again are Celtic Cable Heel (toe up), Footloose, Lacy Diamonds, Lacy Leaves (toe up I tink), and Colosseum

A huge thank you to anyone who's willing to volunteer.

On a different note, things have been slightly frustrating for the past 2 weeks, I'm realy struggling to get work done. I've got a lot on but that's not the main problem, the problem is that I've suffered a lot of severe headaches and neck pain, slept extremely badly and I'm tired all the time. Which makes it feel like i'm dragging myself through treacle most of the time. Three steps forward and two steps back would also describe how I feel. I really need to step things up. I've got patterns to finish writing, new yarn arriving any day soon (I hope!) for new designs which need to be graded and written up and knitted (Pixie is probably desperately waiting for me to send her some yarn to get started). I've got tons (okay perhaps just kilos) of yarn to be dyed for Woolfest next month and I need to print off patterns too and I'd like to re-do photos of several of my designs befoer I start priting patterns. I'm also not very happy with the way my patterns print on my printer and I'm not sure if it's our rubish printer or my photos that are not good enough. My first plan of action is to ask a friend with a better printer (I've seen her photos printed out and they look good) if I can print a pattern out on her printer and then compare with mine. I'd lik to make a big thing of my patterns at Woolfest as those shawls I had on display at FibreFest last year sold well, especially when we started pointing out that they all took just one skein. I think a lot of people thought they would take more than that.

Talking about Woolfest, my yarn orders have started arriving. Yesterday I had deliveries of the brand new Silky BFL Lace (silk/BFL), Ocean Silk 4ply, Silky Camel 4ply, Pure Silk 4ply and Pure Silk Lace (now in 100gr hanks). All gorgeous yarns. And I love the natural colour of the Silky Camel, it'll be shame to dye it really, so I may list some natural colours too as it's just gorgeous. I'm also planning a garment for myself in the Ocan Silk 4ply and Pure silk 4ply knitted on the machine and I may see if I can fit in some swatching for that today. Although my first machine garment ought to be Simon's sweater. he might like to wear his super Merino sock sweater for Woolfest.

I'm very late with the Lace Variety Club this month and I'll finally be dyeing the yarn today as the yarn was one of the lots that arrived yesterday.

The Baby Surpise jacket has arrived with it's recipient on California, Laura's new baby Isaiah, so I can show a picture of it now.

 I 'm a little bit worried the cute buttons I chose won't be the easiest for a Mum to get on a wriggly baby but they were so cute.
 Look, at the cute little teddy bear buttons. I left the bottom button hole without a button as i felt it was little bit too close to the bottom edge. the yarn was Auracania Ruca which is 100% sugarcane and a dream ot knit with. So smooth and silky.


Joyce across the Pond said...

Dear Anni.....gosh you have been suffering with those headaches...I do hope you get some ease were up posting at 4 11 am!!! so you haven't got much sleep last night either.
Sorry I can't offer to knit for you as I'm not experienced in lace or socks but do trust you get all your little slots filled with offers. With all you have to do there is little point in me saying to relax...I know from experience that one can't when you know how much has to be done....but just put your priorities in order and worth through them steadily...then the tension will get less and hopefully those headaches will disappear.
Best wishes and my prayers for better health

marit said...

Åhhh, hadde jeg bodd nærmere,så skulle jeg tilbydd meg! Askeskya fra Island har en tendens til å stenge flyplassene...og posten er fryktelig treg, jeg fikk ei pakke fra Wales, den brukte en måned på veien...min pakke til henne brukte like lang tid...

jeg er ganske god til å strikke både sokker og sjal, og ganske rask også, men det blir kanskje litt langt unna?

God bedring- håper du snart får ei god natts søvn!

Ann said...

I would love to test knit for you but I am living in the other side of the world. Hope you find some test knitters soon.

ds said...

me too - I would love to do some test knitting but Saskatchewan is too far away. Hope the headaches get better - I suffer from them too and just recently discovered that green tea of any kind, including decaf is one of my triggers and I was drinking green tea thinking it would be so much better for me than coffee!

psalm127 said...

Buttons are not a problem at all. They are so cute. I love to show it off every chance I get. This is so special to me!