The reason for my abscence or rather one of the main reasons was that I've been working ona design for Yarn Forward magazine which I sent off on Friday, just putting hte finishing touches to hte pattern right now. It did take a little longer than planned as I ran into one or two problems. And last week it just hung over me like a cloud.
Since I finished the garment for Yarn Forward I've been doing some light knitting before I start my next design for Yarn Forward, which I'm casting on for tomorrow. I've managed to finish a garter stitch sideways knit cardi for myself. My own desing which I did in a sort of design as you go kind of way. Worked out perfect though apart from slightly long sleeves. But I can't be bothered to shorten them yet, maybe one day. I love my new cardi though, knitted in Lang Merino Silk and Manos Silk Blend. it's so incredibly soft and drapey and very warm. I've lost my camera charger so no pics yet.
I've also nearly finished a pair of wrist warmers. They were supposed to be fingerless gloves but decided I fancied a pair of wrist warmers instead. Only got about 10 roundso n the 2nd one left to go. Wrist warmers are, if you're wondering, just a tube really. I've used the same pattern as for the Scrolls socks. Was wearing the first one earlier and it's gorgeous.
Also been working on a moebius scarf which I first designed a year ago but never got around to finishing the pattern so decided to re-do it in Manos Silk blend. About half done I think.
Have I got any pics to show you today? Well, I've taken part in 2 Secret Santas in October and got some gorgeous pressies.
The first one had a gorgeous bag, which was the clue to hte identity of my Secret Santa, 2 balls of Kidsilk Haze, poutpourri pot and some choc. The clue took me ages to work out and I managed to work it out with the help of Ravelry in the end. Thank you Knittingnanny.
The other parcel had a skein of gorgeous Manos Wool Classica, some Christmas decorations knitted by my Santa, a pattern from Knitty, some gorgeous choc and a skein of sock yarn from HipKnits. My Secret Santa was Carol and I can't remember the clue now but it wasn't easy to wrok out either.
I'm running a child protection training session in church tonight with my friend Jo. We're Child Protection Officers at our church and part of our job is to run training sessions from time to time. Neither of us particularly like the training sessions but it's only about 2.5 hours. Been to church this afternoon to set up and do the photocopying. Jo works full-time so she couldn't come. Halfway through printing the toner in the photocopier ran out. There was noone in the office, I've no idea where the toner is so brought the stuff home as some of the pages I have saved on the laptop so can print off here but some are from a CD which Jo has so got to get Simon to plug our scanner in later to finish off the printing.
1 comment:
Jeg har brukt Falling in Love mønsteret ditt til
pulsvarmere. Bilde finner du på bloggen min.
Ellers lærte jeg meg å strikke sokker toe up av det mønsteret. Det var veldig tydelig og greit forklart. Nå bruker jeg det til alle slags sokker. Tåe blir jo så mye finere.
Tusen takk!
Hilsen Sol
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