I've wanted one of these mannequins for ages and from time to time I have a look on Ebay to see if I can snatch one up cheaply. Well on Monday was my lucky day and I managed to snap one up a few minutes before the auction ended. She's a bit skinny but hopefully it'll make getting good pics of my shawls easier.
Today was beautiful weather so I should have dragged Daisy out in the garden to take some photos but my main priority today was to get my Sockamania PLUS parcels out. Hopefully the good weather will last over teh weekend so Daisy and I can have a photo session then.
I did take some photos of the Midnight Shawl late Wednesday afternoon but it was already getting dark so the pics are not great.
Daisy will be living in my studio but at the moment she's in the corner of the lounge with the Midnight Shawl draped around her. A non-knitting friend popped by yesterday evening and admired Daisy and the Midnight Shawl. I think she looks good in thecorner of the lounge but I'm not sure the rest of hte family want her to become a permanent decoration in our lounge.
Yesterday I was teaching an advanced sock knitting workshop at Spin A Yarn in Bovey tracey. It was a great day with 6 great ladies. Two of them have been to my workshops before and it's nice to have people coming back for more. I worked them hard yesterday and it was definitely a challenging day. We did socks on circular needles, both magic loop and 2 circs, and we did them toe up. Just afterlunch everyone had completed one mini sock so we then had a go at doing 2 socks at a time on 2 circs. I use Turkish/Eastern cast on for my toe up socks and that's the technique I taught and it's agreat cast on but it's quite a challenge to start 2 toes at the same time but they all managed it. This was the first time I'd taught this workshop so I was worried about fitting it all in and how it would all go but I was quite pleased. Got a few tiny alterations to make for next time and I'd managed to make a few quite important mistakes in the mini sock pattern we were following, it was all to do with my appalling maths skills and trying to work out numbers when I was too tired.
This weekend my big plan is sorting out my studio. At the moment is a bit of a dump to put it mildly. I need tons mor e storage. I want shelving along one wall. It' a tiny room so I've got to make the most of the space I've got. At the moment I've got some plastic drawer untis and a book case but it's not enough so I'm having shelving along one wall instead. I've found some industrial looking affordable shelves from Argos so if I can get them from our local Argos store I'll be getting them tomorrow. Going to take me forever to get it all sorted though. I'dlike to get all my stash and undyed and dyed yarns in there plus all my knitting books, mags, design stuff, and all my knitting equipment in there. Will be a minor miracle if I manage all that.
My knitting at the moment is a secret project which has got to be finished by end of next week so the pressure is on. I must admit I work much better if I've got a tight deadline. I was commissioned for this piece months ago and I've done bits and pieces on it every now and then but now I'm getting close to the deadline I've got to focus on it and I quite like that. So no knititng pics this week. Once this item is done I'd like to cast on with some of my Ally Pally stash. Not sure quite what yet. Got a week to decide. Also got another secret design to be done by the end of NOvember so I'll need to get that started too. The pattern is alread ywritten up for that so just need to knit it.
Have a nice knitterly weekend everyone.
Daisy looks lovely in her shawl. She will make picture taking much easier for you.
I keep thinking of getting a pair of legs to takes pics of my socks on. Maybe I would get better pics then.
Good luck getting the studio all sorted out. Sounds like a big job but a satisfying one.
That midnight shawl is absolutely gorgeous, I think I want one, some day....
Hello to Daisy. I think she is going to become a great friend to you.
I think she looks great dressed in her gorgeous shawl! Have fun getting your studio all organized!
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