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Monday, July 14, 2008

Missing - summer

Please someone bring back summer. We had some lovley weather back along but lately its been miserable. A glimmer of sunshine yesterday but I spent the afternoon in a school hall in a nearby town providing child protection training for some of our church's childrens workers. Simon and Emily went down to Looe for a church picnic and baptism service. Guess where I would have preferred ot have been.

Today we've had drizzle for most of the day. Emily's school were having thier second go at sports day this afternoon and unfortunately decided it was dry enough to go ahead alhtough there was a steady drizzle all afternoon. I sat with a friend under a big golf umbrella but hte kids were sitting on the field in their PE kits and only some of them had sweatshirts on and none of them had coats. I did notice that most of hte teachers had coats on. When I had two girls at primary school sports day wasn't too bad as I had 4 races to watch but now with only one child left, I've only got 2 races to watch so I've got to sit there for nearly 3 hours and my child is only on the field for a total of 2 mins. Even with chatting to good friends and knitting it's boring. Just about tolerable in the sun but on a miserable day like today there were other things I could have been doing.

Like finishing packing up the Lace Variety Club parcels. I thought I was going ot get them posted on time this month. But due to the rain and other things getting in the way I'm behind. The non-UK parcels will be posted tomorrow and I'm hoping the UK ones will be posted on Wednesday. I've still got yarn that's not dry but tomorrow I think I'll have to put the heating on to help the drying process along a bit unless the sunshine returns.

I'd hoped to show you pictures of some gorgeous yarn I bought on Etsy which has real silver in it. It's just hte right amount of sparkle. It's sock weight yarn but I'm not knititng socks out of it. It's got merino/nylon/silk and silver. It's gorgeous and I've got a purple and a pink skein. Not sure what I'm going ot knit wiht it yet but it'll have to be something special. The pics will have to wait as our camera has gone on strike. Hoping Simon can sort it out later.

Now I've got kids that need feeding and parcels to wrap.

1 comment:

Pixie said...

We seem to have your drizzle this morning, perhaps you have sunshine? sure is nothing like summer and some times more like Autumn!

I didn't like sports day, when I was in it or watching it as a mum.. kinda glad those days are over.

Good luck with finishing up the lace club.. eager to see what it is this month :)

Have a good day
Pixie xxx