Have you seen the latest issue of Yarn Forward?
For those of you who may not have heard of it before, it's an English magazine run by Kerrie from HipKnits . The first issue came out just over a year ago and it was a rocky year for the mag last year. The content has always been brilliant though and the new issue is fab. Lots of informative articles and gorgeous patterns. There is a bit of a purple feel to the new issue, which is my favorite colour. I don't very often get around to knitting stuff from mags but I'm considering one or two of the patterns from this issue, mainly one sweater which is knitted in Malabrigo Worsted which is very, very similar to my new Merino Worsted which will start appearing in the shop later this week.
But the reason I'm really,really excited is that I had a pattern in this issue. It's the Diamond sock pattern. It's knitted in Yarn Yard yarn but will look equally gorgeous in my own merino sock yarn. It's an easy fair isle diamond pattern with contrasting cuff and toes. Here are some of my pics of the socks, which I took before I sent it off to Kerrie.
But the reason I'm really,really excited is that I had a pattern in this issue. It's the Diamond sock pattern. It's knitted in Yarn Yard yarn but will look equally gorgeous in my own merino sock yarn. It's an easy fair isle diamond pattern with contrasting cuff and toes. Here are some of my pics of the socks, which I took before I sent it off to Kerrie.
Look out for the Spring issue of the Mag too, as I've got a pattern in that one too. Not saying what it is. But I've worked flat out on it lately. I've sent the sample off to Kerrie today. It's all very exciting.
I've also finished a pair of fingerless mitts this week. I've used the fair isle pattern from my Kaleidoscope socks and added rib on the top and the bottom knitted in pin stripe like the sole on the socks. The mitts are knitted in my Merino 4ply. this is an incredible soft merino fingering weight/4ply from Uruguay and is very simmilar to other yarns from Uruguay.
Here are the socks which matches. The
Also plying some merino/silk at the moment. It's looking gorgeous. Got a bit more of it to spin too. Should have about 200gr when it's done and it's 4ply/dk weight I think. Not decided what to knit with it yet but I'm kind of wanting ot knit a shawl for myself in my own handspun.
Got to start packing up the kitchen this week. B&Q start installing out new kitchen on Monday. I'm so excited about having a new kitchen but I'm dreading clearing out and ripping out the old one. We're or rather Simon is, taking out the old one ourselves. This means no dyeing next week at all, then the week after my dyeing moves into the garage.
For my PIF recipients, I haven't forgotten. I've got the yarn and have decided on the pattern. Going to cast on tomorrow.
My neck has been really bad this last week and I've been extremely tired. Went to Weight watchers this morning, and I lost 3 pounds, very pleased! Then i came home and fell asleep in our recliner chair. Woke up after a while feeling cold so went and grabbed a warm merino shawl and fell asleep for another hour. Meant I got nothing useful done all morning. Bit annoying but I was just so tired. The neck pain is really getting to me right now. IT's been bad for weeks. I'm trying to slow down a bit. But with my urgent deadline knitting last week, trying to dye as much yarn as Ican before the kitchen shuts down and everything else it's not easy. Next week I'll take it easy though as house will be chaos anyway with work men here all week so no point doing housework and can't dye yarn. Lots of relaxing and knitting and spinning.
I'm not surprised you are tired after all you have achieved recently. Very many congratulations, your work is lovely and your success well deserved!
Wow great knits Anni and well done you for having the pattern in the mag.. its not one I have seen.. although I did see the pattern over at Raverly :)
Good luck with packing up the kitchen and hope your neck pain eases up for you with the rest you should get..
You really are wonder woman with all that you do :)
Just great that you got one of your great patterns published in the magazine! I just recently found the Yarn Forward mag, and am still waiting for my first copy to arrive, but I can't wait to see your pattern :)
And because you asked, yes, over here they dub EVERYTHING. And most of the time, while it's not as bad as with other languages, a lot of the initial finer humor gets utterly lost. That's why we have a rather large DVD collection, just for having the chance to hear movies as they were meant to. And we have 3 cinemas that show the movies in original language too, but sometimes I just hate synchronization!
Love the diamond pattern socks! How exciting to have patterns in a mag! I hope all the work on your kitchen goes well. Having your kitchen out of commission can be a bit of a strain.
Congratulations Anni!
And to think I remember when you hated socks and all thing dpnny lol!
Congrats on getting your patterns published and love the mitts
Gratulerer masse. Jeg så det tidligere her på Ravelry at du hadde mønster i Yarn Forward. Så da måtte jeg inn og abonnere på bladet, men jeg får fra vårutgaven. Du kunne ikke tenkt deg å kjøpe det for meg, vi kan bytte, om du vil ha noen av de nye mønsterheftene som kommer nå på våren. Eller så kan jeg sende over penger på Paypal til deg for bladet og frakten.
Ellers så falt jeg i staver over garnet som kom idag, det var til å miste pusten av, vet ikke om jeg har råd til å strikke sokker av det enda, he he.
Det var utrolig vakkert, og mønstret ser også lekkert ut.
Det ble ei lang melding, gitt....
Hilsen fra Kate
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