Time to elaborate a bit more on my trip to
Get Knitted on Saturday. Think I've just about recovered from it now although I must admit I'm exhausted again today. Went to Plymouth today and met up with a lovely lady I met at
Spin A Yarn. We had a lovely chat in hte Theatre Royal Cafe and a fingerless glove knitting session. She's started knitting Fetching from
Knitty. She's not knitted using dpns before nor had she done cables so she's very brave to be starting with the Fetching fingerless gloves which, if you're one of the few who havne't done this pattern (I haven't) they've got cables. So we went through how to work in the round and how to do cables. Had a lovely time. the drive to and from Plymouth was a nightmare as there had been a fatal accident halfway there and the road was closed when I was going to Plymout hand coming back which meant lengthy detours. Not done much at all since I got home. Barely had the energy to knit. Therefore I'm planning a quiet evening with telly and spinning. NOt spun for several days now.
Okay, promised pics from Get Knitted. I didn't actually take any pics there although I had my camera with me. But I have photogrpahed my haul since I got home and this is what I got:
Handmaiden Lace Silk - isn't it gorgeous.

Handmaiden Mini Maiden (merino/silk) in Blackberry - it's a sock yarn but this gorgeous yarn won't become socks.

Handmaiden Great Big Sea which is a mix of wool, seacell and silk in Sangria.

Mirasol Baby Llama. This is so soft and squishy. Not sure what I'll knit with it yet but maybe another moebius or a hat.
And two balls of Trekking sock yarn. Don't buy non hand dyed sock yarn very often any more but just loved these colours.

Also got some needles, namely Knitpicks Harmony Options Set and dpn set. Aren't they fantastic looking. FAb to knit with too. Great points especialy for wood needles.
Got a purple Know Knits pouch to replace the green one I got 18 months ago which is now worn out.
And Clare from Sunflower Swifts and Sublime Spindles brought me this gorgeous Niddy Noddy. Was great to meet Clare nad her husband. I already have one of thier swifts and spindles and all thier products are fantastic quality and workmanship.

And now I'm going to introduce you to my new assistant - my
Ball and Skein Skein winder. I agonised a while over whether to get a manual or electric one. I went for the manual one in the end because of price and shipping costs. It's fantastic. It's made skeining my merino sock yarn off cones and reskeining yarn so much easier. And the best thing, Em can skein yarn off hte cone for me now and she loves it. Yeah. I don't know how I managed without this before. It's fantastic and highly recommended.

The top pic is how it arrived once I'd taken it out of the box and below assembled by me! I was really proud of myself as I don't do self assembly. But i was so depserate to use it that I had a go and managed to do it althoug hthe instructions didn't make much sence at all to a numptie like me. Now I can hear my spinning wheel calling to me. Nite!
Gorgeous yarns!!!! Your new skein winder looks like it will save you a lot of time. I know the new ball winder and umbrella swift I got for Christmas have made my life much happier!
Lovely haul Anni! I love my Knitpicks Harmonies - yeah for pointy pins and smooth joins. Best needles I've used by far.
Oh how fun. Hubby made my niddy noddy out of pvc pipes he had left over from putting in the sprinkler system out back. Not the prettiest thing but it works. I love my swift and ball winder, so do my girls. They were tired of being my swift. ha ha. No skien winder yet but let me spin some more first. I can't spin much now, DS2 learned to crawl on Christmas and I am afraid he will put his fingers or hand in the wheel.
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