Yes, both girls were back at school today (actually Ness went back yesterday) and Simon went back to work today too after being off for 2.5 weeks. Okay, so I do like having them at home but I like it when they go back to school too especially after holidays that last more than a week.
So to treat myself today I decided to go to the Spin A Yarn monthly Tuesday morning knitting group. I should have stayed home and done lots of housework and tidying up but knitting club sounded like much more fun. Don't you agree? There were only two of us there this morning which was very unusual. The other lady was new and very lovely. She was working on a pair of fingerless gloves so we spent a bit of time talking about glove constructions etc. She also asked for advice and help with a few things. It was nice to be able to pass on a bit of knowledge. Just before I left she cast on for 'Fetching' from Knitty. It's a pattern I love but have never gotten around to knitting. What was really nice today was that Joyce had time to sit down and knit and chat with us for a while.
And ofcourse I shopped while I was there. Well, who could resist sitting in a beautiful knitting shop for 2 hours without buying anythign. I got this gorgeous possum/wool yarn to make a hat for Simon.
Okay, hwile I've been writing this post I've also been editing and downloading pics from my camera and it's gone on strike now and won't do any more pics. - eta got the pics now. It does this some time so possum yarn pics will come tomorrow. Same with Kaleidoscope Mitts mentioned below. Flipping camera!!!
And talking about gloves, well I was a second ago. I'm in the process of making some 'Kaleidoscope Mitts'. I only started these last week and had to planned to work flat out for 3 days and get them finished in timr for the Knitty submission deadline on Saturday. But i failed. I nearly got there. Only had half a glove left. A few other things distracted me. So they'll go in my Etsy shop instead.
When I got home I decided to cast on for a pair of New Years mitts. Using the same stitch pattern as for the New Years Socks, this month's sock pattern for Sockamania. And talking of Sockamania here are the New Years Socks and this month's sock yarn for Sockamania PLUS. There are only 4 places left for February so if you fancy joining us be quick. I'm already working on the pattern for February but haven't decided on yarn yet.
Just been listing some yarns on Etsy. Just a small batch of bamboo sock yarn. More to come in a few days, probably Thursday. They're listed at the New Years Bonanza sale prize.

Sounds like the perfect use of your time!
I am just not looking in your shop you temptress!
Ooohhh ... housework or knitting group??? I'd have been there along with you, Anni;)
Today is my first day at home on my own for ages! Wonderful isn't it. I'm not dressed yet, but the house is clean, the washing and ironing is up to date and there is no shopping to do and the day is my own! Bliss!!
What lovely colours your yarn always is Anni, you have such an eye for what goes with what iyswim!
I thought I would be free to play as soon as kids were back in school, but my daughter decided that she needed to have that terrible cold everyone is passing around. So, my time is still not quite free--but it's coming soon. Love the new yarn colors! Can't wait to see the pics of your mitts and possum/wool yarn!!!
Ya know, if you just don't sleep you have so many more hours to get the fun stuff done!! (hehe) I think you have your priorities in order! I just received 2 hand spindles and a beautiful brown roving and am having a hard time deciding whether to knit the 3 socks on the needles or spin!!
Oh, and the reward for spinning/knitting well is always a bit of make room for more yarn!
Blessings!! Mrs.C.
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