So here's how it works:
It’s the Pay It Forward Exchange. It’s based of the concept of the movie “Pay it Forward” where acts or deeds of kindness are done without expecting something in return, just passing it on, with hope that the recipients of the acts of kindness are passed on. You all know I’m already a PIF type of person. So here’s how it works. I will make and send a handmade gift to the first 3 people who leave a comment to this post on my blog requesting to join this PIF exchange. I do not know what that gift will be yet, and it won’t be sent this month, probably not next month, but it will be sent (within 6 months) and that’s a promise! What YOU have to do in return, then, is pay it forward by making the same promise on your blog.
So the first three to comment on this post and who say they would like to take part will be my recipients. If I don't know you and have your e-mail already, please post your e-mail addy too so Ican get hold of you. Once I've got my 3 recipients, I'll e-mail you to get your address and just some idea of your favorite colours, yarntype and fibre. My gifts will be knitted as that's the only craft I do. I've got some ideas already but Iwant to see who my recipients are first andwhat they like.
So are you up for the challenge? I'm really excited to receive my gift from Aknita. Her knitting is beautiful.
Whimsical Knitting has even done a button for it. How fun.

There are lots of other buttons on her blog too. Aren't they fun?
Now, some pics. I've got several projects on the go at the moment and not making too much progress on any of them. Today I've been swapping between my Aran Silk shawl and my Sockamania October socks. Can't show you pics of the socks and I'm not sure I want to share pics of the shawl yet. I may keep it top secret for a while yet. It's knitting up quickly.
A couple of FOs I can show you are these:
What are they? I hear you shout. They're tiny little mobile phone socks. And I love them. The ones with the very fat fish on it is mine. Next time I'll do a slimmed down fish. I first had the idea for doing these back in the summer and I did a few for our church's Bible Week in the summer hols and they sold like hotcakes together with my knitted hairbands. I've now done one for me, a couple for friends and the pink stripy one is for Ness. I've got lots more planned and yes, I will write up the pattern and share it too. I'm planning some fun designs on them too. wouldn't they make fun stocking fillers? And it's a brill way of using up all those bits of sock yarn left over.
I've also been doing this today.
Skeining 500gr of alpaca dk. Thought about dyeing them today but I've got to skein another 500gr too. Don't know if I can be bothered to dye jsut 500 gr at a time. May do it tomorrow.
I would love to be part of the "pay it forward" thing! Count me in!
The dk alpaca yarn looks really nice. Will it appear on etsy?
Count me in too, Anni. I think the "Pay It Forward" idea is a terrific one, and I would love to do it. I'll post it on my blog.
Anni, count me in. I would love to do the Pay It Forward. Isn't that the way we all should live our lives?
Brilliant ladies. YOu're all in. I've got Pam's address already and I'll get in touch with Hattie and Judy to get your addresses. Then it's time to get my thinking cap on and start planning my projects. I'm aiming to get them done fairly quicklyish. This is so much fun.
And yes, the Alapaca will be on Etsy, probably early next week. I'm dyeing it today but it's a bit damp here so won't be able to dry outside which means it takes a lot longer.
We saw "pay it forward" (the movie) just a few days ago! It was a good film, with a great idea. And I think it works,actually! Soory I'm too late, we had thunder and lightning here,so I had to shut down the computer before I managed to catch up on all the blogreading.
Have a lovely weekend.
Anni I'm so pleased to see you have your three participants :-)
It will be my pleasure to make something for you.
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