Can't believe i have't posted since Tuesday. And what's my excuse? Well, the undyed merino arrived Wednesday morning so Wednesday and Thursday were skeining and dyeing days. Thursday evening the panick drying started and reskeining the stuff that was dry nd had to be reskeined. Major panick on Friday evening. It was all hands on deck in the YarnAddict household. His Lordship had to learn how to reskein, YarnAddict Junior (not the very junior one, she was in bed, but the medium junior one aka the 'Stroppy one' (hope she doens't read this) was stickign labels on mailing mags, stuffing patterns into plastic pockets, stuffing mailing bags with wrapped up bags, patterns, letter and yarn. I was wrapping like mad, so dont expect perfectly wrapped parcel. I also had to write out customs stickers and The Stroppy one stuck them on parcels. Finally, we all collapsed in a heap with a pile of 10 parcels ready for the post office on Saturday morning. I'm sure I took a pic but haven't got the energy to find it now.
Then on Saturday morning, His Lorship was despatched to our local 'one man band' (or sometimes a lady) post office with my debit card (one for my yarn account). After a lot of huffing and puffing from the lady waiting behind him, which he said sounded exactly like me if I had towait for someone to post 19 parcels. Me, huff & puff? Never. I'm too patient. Well, he finally got to pay and the card was rejected. Embarassed he rushed home and furiously started counting up every bit of money in the house. After emptying his own wallet, my purse and The Stroppy one's purse we finaly had enough to pay cash for the postage. I did suggest he just draw out the cash on his own debit card and pay but he said he was sure hte post man didn't trust our cards now. On closer inspection of the card I realised it was out of date a month ago, so problem solved. Think I will be doing the post run next time. I'll also leave the parcels there and come back a few hours later to pay, thus not having to put up with 'huffing and puffing' annoying customers who don't like to queue, like me.
On Friday, my friend, Helen, and her daughter, Becky, Ness (the stroppy one) and I headed to Exeter for the Creative Stitches and Hobbycraft forum thanks to lovely Mandy from Crafty Yarns Forum, thank you Mandy for our free tickets. There weren't a lot of yarn around. Two stalls were of interest to me, Alpaca Select were I bought 2 balls of gorgeous, soft, alpaca 4ply. And the other stall was Web of Wool, which as a huge range of sock yarn. I got some Regia Nation Color for Ness (cast on for a scarf today), Regia Silk Colour for socks for Simon. Fortissima for myself and Em for socks or whatever else we fancy. And a pack of 4 Alapaca dk balls from Alpaca Select too, for some accessories for me.

Also got this handy bag.

Which now contains all my knitting accessories.

It even had little boxes in the bottom for all my little bits like stitchmarkers.

We had a lovely girly day out.
Right,what else has happened since I last blogged? Oh, I've been invited to join Ravelry. I'm YarnAddictAnni over there. I'm still finding my way around and working out what I can od on the site. But its fun to see what all the fuss is about.
On Friday was our 16th wedding anniversary and Simon brought home this lovely bouquet of flowers on Thursday evening.
We werent' able to go out to celebrate or anything. Remember we were panicking ove Sockamania PLUS.
Today ahs been a bit miserable and is the result of doing far, far too much last week. As I got out of the shower this morning I bent down to pick something up and had a shooting pain across my upper back. Afterwards it hurt to walk, sit down adn lie down. I couldn't bend down and struggled to get dressed. It was agony and I had to cancel going to church and cancel my friend nad her daughters coming for lunch afterwards. I went back to bed and slept all morning. Then this afternoon I've been trying to do a few little jobs and it's eased a bit and I can move around better now. Luckily it didn't stop me knitting.
Some more yarns for the shop tomorrow. Not as many as I would have liked though. Sockamania patterns are going out tomorrow too.
Oh Anni! I hope that you have managed to rest well and that your back is feeling better. Do take it easy.
I'm glad you got all the Sockamania PLUS parcels out, despite the Post Office traumas :)
And I thought I could be busy sometimes.........
Hope things quieten down for you soon, and congratulations on your recent Wedding Anniversary too.
What a crazy week you had! I hope you have some time this week to take a break. I hate going to the post office--especially if I have a lot of packages to mail, but to have the card turned down--that would be terrible--my husband would have a royal fit!!
Oh Anni I hope your back is doing better. I can just imagine what you all were doing. I am so looking forward to my package in the mail and will recount for my children what you and your family were doing to get this to us.
Congratulations on your anniversary!
I hope you are feeling better soon, sore backs are hateful.
I love the bag you got, it is awesome!!! Does it have a brand or name. :)
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