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Wednesday, August 01, 2007

What a time..........

.... we've had lately. there's been more medical stuff happening in the YarnAddict household. If you want the long version read this, but here is the short version.

On Sunday the girls went off riding their bikes and scooters. Em fell off her scooter and we ended up in the local minor injuries unit then were sent to Casualty in a bigger hospital 40mins away. After several hours there it was decided Em would need a general anasthetic on Monday to stitch up a cut on her top lip and a quite long and nasty tear inside her mouth (where your lower lips attach to your gums, it was torn the full width of her mouth). So she had the general anathetics on Monday and was all sewn up. In addition to the stitches she has bad swelling and bruising to the mouth and chin area. Luckily, no head injuries or broken bones. But she is still quite miserable and in a lot of discomfort.

We spent all day in hospital on Monday and Em was brilliant. No bad reaction to the anasthetic and she recovered fairly quickly.

That together with my general anasthetic and hysteroscopy the week before, Ness' orthodontist appointment the week before and her root canal work next week and then orthodontish the week after to have braces fitted , has left me feeling we've had our fill of medical anddental stuff for a while. I was due to go to have a minor op on my mouth on Friday this week but I rang up today andpostponed it until September when the girls are back at school. I just couldn't face any more now.

Now, some knitting. Yes, I have had time to knit lately. I've been working on a new Lace shawl design in my Merino Lace. This yarn is just gorgeous and so easy to knit with. If you're frightened of lace yarns then I think you'll get on with this yarn. Check out my Etsy shop if you're interested. This shawl involves a lot of beading which I've gotten hooked on thanks to MS3.

Here's a quick peak, I'm about half way now and then there is the knitted on border. I'm hoping ot have it all done and pattern ready by September.

Sh, don't mention MS3, I did so well to start with and I nearly finished clue 3 but not touched it since. I may pick it up again tomorrow.

Last two days have been mad sock knitting for Sockamania. I've nearly finished the August socks now. I've just got to finish the foot on the 2nd sock, then pics tomorrow morning and then I can send the pattern out tomorrow. Only a day late but I think that's pretty good going with recent events. Ofcourse I should be organised and get it ready a week early. I may aim to do that for September.

I've also knitted a new felted bag in my Merino Worsted. As soon as the pattern gets typed up and the bag finished off and properly photographed it'll be available in my Etsy shop as a free pattern the Merino Worsted. The bag takes only a skein. Here's a blocking pic:


Piglottie said...

Oh Anni, what a lot you to deal with atm! I hope Em is recovering well.

Your knitting is as ever beautiful, and the shawl is stunning - I love the addition of the beads.

belaybunny said...

best wishes and quick recovery to Em.

I love the lace shawl, it's stunning. I have plenty of beads thanks to ms3 too!! ;)

Anonymous said...

Thank you ladies.