......... I want to get off. That's what my life feels like right now. A roller coaster without a stop button. I normally love roller coasters but it's going too fast right now. I've got tons of things to do and seem to be getting nowhere fast. I just never seem to achieve everything I set out to.
Today I've done some more yarn dyeing. Dyed up the last of my Merino Worsted. Some gorgeous colours. Lots of pinks, blues and lilacs with a bit of yellow and green. Hoping to have some photos.
And where are the photos you promised the other day I here you all shout? Well, they've not been done yet. I've started re-skeining the yarn but not got much done yet. The latest yarns won't be listed on Etsy as they're for a Craft Fair I'm going to on Sunday at Finlake, Chudleigh, Devon. If you're in the area, pop in. I'm selling yarns, patterns and some hand-knitted things.
I took some of my hand dyed yarns to show off at the knitting club at Spin A Yarn on Tuesday and everyone seemed to like them although some of the sock yarns were very bright, too bright for some. They were the ones I dyed on Monday during my colour therapy session. With hindsight, some of them really are too bright so I hope bright yarns will be popular on Sunday. Whatever I don't sell on Sunday will go on Etsy next week (end of the week). If you want any of my current Etsy stock, get it quick as all my yarn stock is coming to the fair with me on Sunday.
Talking about Etsy, I've just listed some more patterns on there including the first 2 Sockamania patterns, May Day and River Valley. Serpentine (July pattern) won't be listed until September. If you'd like to join Sockamania, see the side bar of the blog for how to contact me. I'm taking on members for September now. But you need to let me know by 20th August, otherwise you'll have to wait till October. Also I'm not giving out previous Sockamania patterns to new members, but they will all be available for sale eventually.
My trip to NOrway for the funeral is all organised. Due to child care problems and Ness not having a valid passport, Em is coming iwth me but Ness is staying home with her Dad. We're going on Monday morning for the funeral on Tuesday and then back again on Wednesday. I'm hoping I may ahve time for a quick bit of shopping Tuesday afternoon as I'd liketo pop into a yarn shop for a bit of Garn Studio Fabel sock yarn. A very quick trip. Think I'll be exhausted by the time we get back. It's a long trip to NOrway from Cornwall. Takes a few hours to London by train and then on to Stansted. The flight to NOrway is only 2 hours. And being a low cost airline the flight times are horrible Arrive in NOway at 11pm and leave on Wednesday at 7am. Yuk!!!
Definitely some yarn pics tomorrow. In the meantime here are hte patterns I've listed on Etsy 


Oh Anni, I do hope that life calms down for you soon. Good luck with the Craft Fair. I'm sure it will be great fun. And I shall be thinking of you next week when you are in Norway *hugs*
Your life sound as much fun as mine, Anni. I ordered a couple of sock patterns and... I couldn't control myself. I joined your surprise sock yarn of the month club. Like I need more yarn. But it's so much fun to get a package in the mail. I guess I'll add it to the other 800 skeins I already have LOL.
Your knitting is gorgeous. So are the rest of the pictures. And thanks for visiting my blog - you're the second person to do so. :)
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