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Thursday, August 23, 2007

I'm still here

just in case any of you were wondering. I've not gone missing. . Last week, was extremely busy with a 3 day visit to Norway at the beginning of the week and them getting ready and pakcing up for 'Bible Week'. Bible Week is a week long camp that our church run every year.

Simon and the girls are camping but I'm coming home every night. Don't get home until between 10pm and midnight and then go back for 10am. Except for today when I'm having a morning off.It's a fantastic week but very, very busy and it always leave me in a lot of pain. There are morning worship meetings with Wes McNabb preaching (pastor from London) and kids clubs (Simon is helping out in the pre-school club). Then evening worship with our own pastor, John Gillespie preaching. John is preaching on heaven all week and Wes is preaching on 'Heaven on Earth?'.

On SAturday when we pur the tent up it rained, same on Sunday with Sunday night seeing terrential rain (tent leaked a little) then it gradually dried up on Monday after heave rain in the morning. The main marquee where the services are had leaked too.Then since Tuesday the weather ahs been glorious but very windy.

In the afternoons we've been relaxing outside the tent with varous friends (new and old) popping around for a cuppa. Had a lady come over yesterday asking about my knitting as I was sitting there knitting, it turned out she had bought one of my knitted bags from the craft stall too.This afternon we may go to the beach. I've been doing a lot of knitting this week, mainly mobile phone socks and hair bands. They're selling realy well and I've sold some of my bags that didn't sell last year.

I've been awarded a 'Rocking Girl Blogger award' but not had time to look into it yet. Will let you know what it is next time I post, hopefully on Saturday.


Holly Burnham said...

It's nice to hear about what you've been doing and although the riding back and forth can be tiring, it sounds as though you're having some enjoyable times and good visits. Wonderful.

I do want to hear about this award.....

Tama said...

I was beginning to wonder if something amiss had happened to you. I hope all went well in Norway and I am glad that you are back. I have missed reading your blogs the past week or so--it seems much longer because I have had a loooonnnnnggggg week and a half. Sounds like camp has been a little soggy. I like camping, but after living in Washington State I am NOT fond of camping in the rain.

Artis-Anne said...

My word Anni you sure sound so busy rushing hither and yon
Sounds like you have been having some chill out time with friends also which id great; I do find camping a very sociable way of holidaying
Thank you for the comments on my blog re the shawl . I have just overdyed it as I wasn't keen on the striping effect !! so will have to take photos of it AGAIN !!