What a day!!!! We had to get up at 3.30am today to leave for the airport at 4.30am. Our flight was at 6.50am. but silly me, woke up at midnight, couldn't sleep. Got up, went backto bed, still couldn#t sleep, got up again, went back to bed again adn finally about 1.30ish I gave up and got up. Watched a bit of telly, did a bit of knitting. And ended up falling asleep on the sofa and woke up when my phone went off at 3.30. The flight went fine. On time and we left Stansted at 9am, expecting it to take us about 5 hours to drive to Cornwall. After all we'd missed the rush hour trafic around London and we'd be travelling in the middle of the day. and with a planned stop at Get Knitted in Bristol I expected to be home by midafternoon at the latest.
First hitch came on M25. We were warnedabout queuing between J18 and 14, but the queue started several junctions before that. I was driving and Simon decided we should come off the M25 and take an alternative route on to the M4. We did eventually end up in Slough but it took a long time as the alternative route was very busy and slow too.
Got on hte M4, then I realised petrol was running very low. Had a quarter of a tank showing when we left Stansted. After just a few mins on M4, the petrol warning light came on and we decided to stop at the next services which we knew were around REading area. But then we hit queue no 2, around Reading and we stood still for about 40mins. At least we could switch the engine off and save our petrol. I got my knitting out to keep calm and started praying. Also texted my friend and got her to pray that we'd get moving soon and find a petrol station before we ran out of fuel. We were getting quite close to that disaster. Eventually our prayers were answered and we moved off. We didn't bother waiting till the service but turned off at one of the Reading turnings (turned out we were only just over a mile from the Services). Found a petrol station quickly and off we went again. Prayers answered. Now the rest of the drive went smoothly, but by now it was already gone midday and we had tostop for lunch.
We decided not to bother with GK. then just before Bristol Simon woke me up and said did I want to go to Gk. Luckily we found the shop without any problems and managed to park right outside. Wow, what a fab shop. Simon looked around, horrified at the cost of yarn. then he and the girls sat down while I quickly got the things I wanted and had a look at everything else. Pics of the purchase tomorrow. Paid, used the loo and got on our way again. only took 15 mins, rather than my allocated 30mins. Went through Bristol on the A4 and didn't get onto the M5 unti Weston Super Mare. Rest of the journey went smoothly and we finally arrived home exhausted at 5pm. Then I had to rush to catch post office (had a parcel to collect) and chemist (ran out of painkillers today and had some waiting to collect at chemist) before they closed. Got some milk and break too.
So now I'm completely shattered.
First yarn for sale update tomorrow sometime, Sockamania June pattern will go out tomorrow and I'm desperate to dye some more merino tomorrow. I'd love to start tonight but I'd fall asleep with my face in the dye pot.
And as for Yarn names - keep suggestions coming. My ideas today are Unique Yarns, Fiesta Yarns, Party Yarns or stick with Yarn Addict Yarns. What do you think my new yarn venture should be called? Post your suggestion and be included in a draw to win a skein of hand dyed merino.
Here's a quick preview of what'll be for sale tomorrow:
First the Easycare Merino 4ply - 100gr/400 m. Can be washed at 30 degrees but I'd recommend hand wash. gorgeous to knit with. I've tried to get the colours as accurate as I can but they may vary according to your monitor settings.
'Neon Green Merino' - Very bright!!! - 2 skeins - £10 each
'Pink merino' - 1 skein - £10

'Plum merino' - nearly solid but with some lighter bits - 2 skeins - £10 each

'Purple merino' - nearly solid but with some pale bits - 1 skein - £10

'Rich plum merino' - different shades of plum and purple - 1 skein - £10

And some 'Silk bourette' - 100gr/400 m a skein - £7 each. Not sure about this yarn. Not tried knitting with it yet. It's not as silky as normal silk 4ply yarn but feels more cottony to me, not very soft though. But the colours are gorgeous.
1 skein lilac/blue

2 skeins pale blue

2 skeins pink

The silk bourettes are all £7 each.
Free postage to Europe & UK. Worldwide postage charged at cost.
I'll add Paypal buttons tomorrow or Friday with some more yarns hopefully.
Gorgeous colours there!
Glad you got back safely in the end.
I think you should stick with Yarn Addict, cos we all know who that is.
What a day! Glad you made it home safe and sound! Your yarn looks lovely!
You asked on my blog what yarn I was using for my Speedways...its Socks that Rock in January One! Great pattern!
Thanks Michelle. I read a bit further down your blog and realised it. Love hte colours in that yarn.
Sorry to hear you had such a horrible journey back Anni, but glad that you got home safely and managed to stop in at GK. The yarns look stunning!
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