First the 'tragedy' of my Victorian Lace' Diamond shawl for my Mum which I finally dug out of the wip basket this week to finish for whe nshe was due to arrive on Friday. This is how far I'd got at 4.30am this morning when I ran out of yarn.
I knew I'd run out at some point but I was kind of hoping that I may be lucky....... As I laid it out on the floor and realised athat the 3 skeins I had used were all slightly different shades anyway I thought I may as well use another skein that I had which was a much lighter shade so I did. 
I've only got one corner left to do now. Tomorrow I'll be overdyeing it and hopefully that'll sort out the difference in colours.
Next time I knti with hand dyed yarn that'll take more than one skein please remind me to alternate between the different skeins as this is the 2nd time I've had problems iwth colour variations. You'd think I'd learn after the first time but I'm a bit slow.
Now, the sad news. My parents won't be coming here this weekend. Instead we'll be flying to Norway on Sunday for 10 days. The very sad news is that my Grandad passed away early this morning. I had a phone call from my Dad last night telling me my Grandad was very weak and he didn't think he'd have long left but it still came as a shock this morning. I was very upset this morning but I'm feeling calmer now. In the end I'm relieved that my Grandad didn't have to suffer any longer. Fro the past few months he's had a series of infections (after his stroke in February) and has spent a lot of time in isolation which made him depressed. At least now he won't have to suffer anymore.
Kondolerer. Men Nå slipper han ihvertfall å ha vondt lenger hvis det er en trøst. *klem*
- Silja
I'm so sorry to hear your sad news Anni, and my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family *hugs*
Your shawl looks stunning and I'm sure your mum will love it.
Sorry to hear about your loss Anni - hope the visit to Norway goes well.
Your shawl is beautiful, I'm sure your mum will love and treasure it.
Thank you to all of you. I'm feeling a lot better today. And I've indulged in a bit of colour therapy, aka yarn dyeing.
I am so sorry to hear that you lost your Grandad. I lost my Grandma ten years ago next week and I still cry when I sit and think about her.
I was very surprised to see you call him "Grandad". I thought my family was the only ones in the world that referred to their male grandparent as "Grandad" instead of "Grandpa".
Your shawl is BEAUTIFUL! Over dying it should fix the color variation, but be careful as yarn itself can absorb dyes differently in different spots when you dye it yourself. I have spun and dyed alot of yarn and I try to always remind my customers to switch skeins every other row or so in order to maintain some unity in color and yarn size. Good luck, and show us how it turns out!
I will remember your family in my prayers during this time.
Peace to your grandad and my condolences to you and your family
Very sorry to hear about your grandfather. My prayers are with you and your family.
Hi Anni, I'm so sorry about you losing your Grandad. I wish I could give you a big hug. You and your family will be in my prayers. Have a safe trip.
I'm so sorry about your Grandad Anni (((hugs)))
Your completed shawl on the next entry is really a beautiful garment! If mum doesn't like it there would be a lot of takers :)
I'm so sorry Anni , I read this post after my last comment. My deepest condolences to you and you family at this sad time
I'm very sorry to hear about your loss. We too had a death in the family this month, and it's been very taxing. I do find that knitting is good therapy though. That, and simple household work.
Varma hälsningar.
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