Well, that title just about describes today's entry - lots of pics about all sorts of stuff.
First I had a lovely surprise first thing this morning - 7.30am. My Secret Summer Santa present from the Crafty Yarns Forum arrived. My Santa was
Dreamcatcher, although it took me a while to work her clue out. But once I found her blog the other clues were all there.
She put together the most gorgeous present. This is what it looked like unopened:

And this is what I got:

Mountain Peaks Shawl pattern - I love this shawl.

Box of chocs and a beaded book thong made by Dreamcatcher:
A small bag perfect for sock knitting - love this and used it to take mycurrent sock wip to the swimming pool this morning:

The shawl blocking underneath all the goodies is my new 'Ocean Waves Shawl' - this is the same pattern as I used for Emily's Ocean shawl a few months ago but I used a different shawl construction. This one was knitted from the top down, starting with just a few stitces. I love knitting shawls in this way - it's just magic to watch it grow.
And here is 'Ocean Waves' all finished. My model wasn't in a good mood today and was cold during the modelling session so only got a couple of photos. I'm thinking of buying myself a dress form/mannequin - makes photos a lot easier.

Also finished my 2nd 'Kaleidoscope' sock today and here's the pair. Pattern will be available for purchase from tomorrow. Either by e-mail down load or printed on A5 card (leaflet style) by post. More details tomorrow.

then there is my 'Cable Braids' socks which I finished a day or two ago - only first sock done. It's knitted in STR Lemongrass. Gorgeous yarn to knit with - I'm hooked. The 'Cable Braids' is an old pattern but with a rubbish photo so knitted it up again mainly to get a better photo and discovered a mistake in the pattern too. This pattern will go back on sale tomorrow or Monday.

And finally, I think I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that we bought a tent. Well, tonight Simon and his Dad decided to put it up in the garden as it's the first dry (well almost dry) weekend we've hd since we bought it. It went up - took quite a long time - and then straight down again as it was about 6.30 pm by the time it was up. And here it is:

That's Vanessa helping them and peaking out from underneath the tent. They didn't put the bedroom tents in or ground sheet or anything. Its huge btw. And looks great.
So glad you like your goodies! Your new shawl is just gorgeous, looking forward to the pattern :-) Have to say that is one HUGE tent!
Oooh Anni, thats like our tent - I love it, loads of space and very snug. Great pictures and wonderful gifts from DC. I adore the Ocean Waves shawl, and the 'Cable Braids' socks (how did I miss these?). :)
You sure got some great items from your pal! I love your shawl, it's so pretty!
What lovely presents, lucky you! Your shawl is beautiful.
thank you ladies.
What great goodies you received :)
Oh Anni I love your shawls . I thought I had gone off triangular ones until I saw this one and then those stunning socks !! What can I say but WOW !!
Sorry I have just seen your post re the Boye needles I use for my lace knitting and yes they are a set like the Knipick set but they have more needles in the set as well; they have 12 as opposed to 9 in Knitpicks and they start at 2.75 mm or US 2 . The cable might not be as flexible as the Knitpicks but its the points I love . I guess that there is not perfect set out there at the moment but if I could only have one set it would have to be the Boye set. Shame we don't live nearer so that you could try them out :(
I love your shawl pattern and shall get that in a minute ;) The socks are great too, very impressive.I don't know if I could do the kaleidoscope ones but wow!
DC makes a smashing parcel I must say, what lovely things she sent!
What a lovely present, the secret pal/santa is such a wonderful idea, the anticipation of waiting for your pressie to arrive and then opening to find georgeous yarn and treats, I loved making mine up and sending just as much as receiving one. I love your new Ocean Wave Shawl and I've just ordered the pattern.
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