- Scream!!!! - felt like doing that last night but didn't want to wake up the girls or our neighbours.
- Chuck the whole shawl in the bin.
- Frog the whole border and scream.
- Carry on down the 2nd long side and then somehow frog from the cast on edge (lace cast on) until I free up enough yarn to finihs the border.
I'm going for the last option. I'm worried I may screw up the whole shawl doing it but it's better than frogging the whole border whihc has taken me so long and hopefully I can make it work.
Another option would be to beg Dee to try to dye another skein in an identical colour which I would have thought would be almost impossible with hand dyed yarn.
Anyway, the shawl is now officially in my bad books. I had allowed 50 yards extra for it but obviously the specifications in the book are wrong or did I make a mistake. I have used a different yarn from the book but surely yardage required should still be the same as I've followed the instructions and worked correct number of repeats etc and not followed the actual meaurements.
On a brighter note. Here's some pics to cheer me up. I need that. First some Blackcurrant Swoop and Aubergine. I love the Swoop yarn and have already done 2 pairs of socks in that colour combo. This si the first time I've seen the Swoop yarn in it's natural state. The other skein I had was reskeined.
That is terrible!!!!
Anni, hugs, no wonder you want to scream!
Could you add some plain yarn and dye the whole lot?
I love the socks and yarn BTW :)
Oh no !!! that's awful. I have been lurking your site to watch how you were getting on with your shawl. I too would scream , I do hope you can rescue it , will keep fingers x
I am nearly ready to do the border on 'Melon' !!!
Love your new yarns, particularly the aubergine and blackcurrant. Pardon my ignorance but is 'Swoop' a brand of yarn ?
Oh no !!! that's awful. I have been lurking your site to watch how you were getting on with your shawl. I too would scream , I do hope you can rescue it , will keep fingers x
I am nearly ready to do the border on 'Melon' !!!
Love your new yarns, particularly the aubergine and blackcurrant. Pardon my ignorance but is 'Swoop' a brand of yarn ?
Sorry no idea why that posted twice
Swoop is a what Natalie of the Yarn Yard calls her yarns that knit up in a sort of 'swoop' kind of way. It's got short stretches of colour and doesn't knit up striped and the colour changes are fairly subtle. Have a look at www.theyarnyard.co.uk and you'll see what I mean. Natalie does some other 'swoop' yarns too.
The proper name of the variegated yarn is 'Blackcurrant Swoop' and the solid is Aubergine.
Don't worry aobut it posting twice. Seems to happen sometimes. No idea why.
Gilraen, Don't know what to do at the moment. Think I will leave it until we get back from holiday then try to sort it out. My goal is to frog as little as possible.
Good idea to problem solve with a cool head! If I had some Eva 2 ply I'd send it, but I only have 4ply and Sophia 2 ply. Sorry. :)
Aw, thank you gilraen. I've got some other Eva 2ply whihc I could use but would then definitely have to over dye it. Didn't think about that. maybe I'll do that instead. Save me having to frog anything and risk ruining. The other Eva I have is pale green so colour not miles different. At least I think it's Eva I've got and not Sophia.
Oh Anni! First I would go out into the garden/to the beach/somewhere very secluded and scream my head off whilst stamping my feet. Did you get all of the yarn (was it a OOW)? Maybe you could put a call out to other knitters via the forum/your blog/Dee's blog to ask if anyone has any of this yarn you could buy off them? But I agree, maybe put it away til after your holiday. ***hugs***
Oh, Anni - what a pain! You are the second person I have heard of having problems with the yardage information in that book. I am in the middle of the melon shawl but using KSH so have some chance of getting some more if there's a problem.
I think your recovery option is sensible - everything you unpick will effectively count double as it reduces the distance you need to cover as well as increasing your yardage so it might not take too much work.
I would reserve the right to scream also....
Oh Anni I do hope it all works out for you after all your beautiful work.
Anni, is your Victoria shawl done in the Willow colourway? If so, then I've got a huge ball of it in my stash that you can have. Just yell if you want it. :-)
I have about 30g of Eva in Willow left over from the VLT Cherry Leaf shoulder shawl that I made. You are very welcome to it if it will get you out of a tight spot, as I won't be doing anything with it now and I can't think of anything worse than trying to frog back lace ;)
thank you Helen and Linda. I can't remember which colour it was now. But I've been trying to work out which colour I used but can't find it. Thrown away hte labels on the skeins. I found a skein whihc i think is Eva in a similar pale green colour (no label) which I swopped or bought from a forum friend recently. So what I'm thinking is that I may frog the entire border and reknit it in the new skein I've found then at least the border is all in the same colour although it's slightly differnet from the rest of the shawl. I got a feeling the colour of the main shawl is called 'Leafy' actually. I'll have a think about it. Going on holiday tomorrow so won't be touching it for a week until we come back anyway. Then I 'll have a think about it and decide what to do. I'll get in touch with you, Helen and Linda, if I decide I need more yarn. But thank you ever so much for your offers.
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