I've knitted a sock for my newphew in the Cashmerino I dyed the other day. Didn't have a pattern for a 2 year old (with huge feet), so had a go at doing one myself. It's just a basic twisted 1x1 rib pattern but I came up with all the numbers (ie st cast one, heel turning etc) myself. I'm very proud. Had to frog it afew times. I know the length should be okay. I just hope the rest of the sock will fit him. he's 2 next month but I've not seen him for over a year so have no idea how big he really is. I'm also doing a scarf and hat in same yarn. Will use twisted rib for those too but may try to add some cables or something.
Very cute socks! What a great job you did of dying the yarn--it makes me want to try some food color dying too.
Thank you. I'm hooked on it now. Got some more undyed wool to do and have ordered some opal to dye forsocks. I like the idea of dyeing 'normal' yarn rather than specifically buying undyed yarn. Gives you lots more choice. Good luck if you decide to dye some yarn. If you're unsure of getting the colours right just dip a small piece of yarn in the solution first. I didn't do that but it's good advice. LOL.
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