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Saturday, September 23, 2006

Panic over

Had a horrendous week this week. Was desperately trying to sort out the house (which was a real tip) ready for two Ugandan girls to stay with us for one night. They were lovel ygirls and we thouroughly enjoyed spending the daywith them today.

My neck pain was incredibly bad last week too. Kept waking up between 3am and 5am with horrendous headaches and painkillers didn't work very well. most mornings I had to get out of bed as Iwas in too much pain to lye down. it's been much better today and I had a good nights sleep last night and woke up with a normal headache. Have headace most of the time anyway and can cope iwth that, it's only when they become very severe that it affects me.

Not done much knitting either and have got so many projects on the go. Must get some finished off over the next few days. As my house if almost spotless I won't have to worry about housework (as if I would worry about that anyway.LOL) and should have more time to knit.

Hoping to go to the KNititng Show at Westpoint in Exeter tomorrow. Have heard there is an Alpaca stand adn I love Alpaca. Would love to get some natural coloured stuff to dye.

Talking about dyeing brings me nicely to this. My newest dyed sock yarn. Very pleased with this lot.

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